The Reception part 2

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Chapter 61 

Klaus took smaller bites of his food then he would normally so he could extend his alone time with Caroline. She knew what he was doing but she didn't call him on it because she was enjoying it as much as he was. Lisa the event coordinator came to their couples table "hey sorry to bother you both but the DJ wants to know when you would like to start the first dance?" Caroline looked to Klaus allowing him to take the lead on and make the decision. She was hoping that they would do the dance sooner rather then later because Klaus was adamant in pick their song and keeping it secret from her. "Yes please let him know we will be ready in 10 minutes." Lisa nodded her head and left the couple to finish their meal.

The DJ got on the mic and started the fun for the evening.

Ladies and Gentlemen if you would please set your focus to the dance floor Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson are going to share their first dance as husband and wife.

Klaus held his hand out for Caroline to take so he can lead her to the dance floor. Once they reached the middle of the dance floor he twirled Caroline before pulling her into him. "Are you excited to find out what I've picked?"

"I'm so excited, you better not have picked something lame."

The first few notes of Say you Won't Let Go from James Arthur, Caroline immediately knew the reason for him choosing this song, she remembers the day she came in his room and played it for him, it was the night she realized she had feeling for Klaus. A small tear rolled down her cheek as she learned that this night and this song had meant as much to him as it has her. "Love, it wasn't my intention to make you cry."

"You remembered?"

"Caroline of course I remember, It was the night I knew I wanted our relationship to be real."

Caroline lightly stroked Klaus's cheek "me too." Klaus slowly leaned in and kissed Caroline slow and passionately which caused guest to hoot and whistle.

After their dance ended the DJ invited all of the rest of the guest to join them on the dance floor, as the loud dance music started to play Rebekah, Katherine, Bonnie, and Sage joined Caroline to dance and Klaus tried to sneak away. Before he could get to far Caroline grabbed his arm and pulled him into her. "Don't be gone for too long Hubby" she ordered with a kiss to the cheek. "Would never think of it Love." Klaus found himself at the bar with Stefan enjoying a drink and watching the girls dance and enjoy themselves. As Klaus watch Caroline have these great relationships with his sister and with his favorite sister-in-law Katherine he is overjoyed that he didn't marry Aurora. He glanced over to her sitting at a table with his mother and brother with a soiled look on her face watching everyone else have fun. His focused shifted to Finn and noticed that he was also staring at the happy group of women on the dance floor, one in particular Sage. "You think he is gonna try and talk with her tonight?"

"He is just waiting for his wife to be distracted, once Aurora start chatting it up with one of those snobby women league gals that mother made Nik and Care invite then he'll strike."

Niklaus let out a laugh at Kol's reply to Stefan's question "you make him sound like a snake." Instead of making one of his normal snarky remarks he just looked back and forth between Klaus, Aurora and Finn and raised his eyebrow. Matt had just strolled over to the bar to join the guys when Kol pointed out Enzo and Tyler talking in the corner. "Those two are friends?" The three other guys looked to see what he was speaking of, Then looked to Matt knowing he will have some insight on this. "The phrase the enemy of my enemy is my friend comes it mind. In school they couldn't stand each other, Enzo had Care and Tyler wanted her" Matt answered. "So you think they are conspiring against my brother?"

"They are a little late if they are, we said I dos about 2 hours ago, there is nothing they can do now or before he is the one I want. Now if you gentlemen will excuse us I would like to dance with my husband, and Stefan if you know whats good for you you'll go dance with your girlfriend." Klaus allowed Caroline to pull him to the dance floor. 

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