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Chapter 7

     Caroline and Rebekah were not sitting in the car park in the underground garage at the mall. "Before we go in I have something to tell you."

"What else can you possible tell me you dropped the biggest bomb on me yesterday? Unless you're pregnant?"

"NO no. I would have explained this to you at first but he wouldn't let me, but after explaining to him how important you are to me and that your friendship is more important than anything he finally agreed. You need to promise me that you will never tell anyone."

"I promise now tell me what's going on, your scaring me."

"Your brother and I have not been in a relationship for almost a year, it's really only been a day and its fake, I am going to married your brother so he can stay in the country while he tries to figure out how to make his visa permanent" Caroline said with her head down waiting for the wrath of Bekah. "Amazing, this is perfect now I don't have to be mad at you for lying to me."

"Really you're not mad?"

" How could I be your doing something crazy to help my family. He is paying you right."

"Yes way too much if you ask me."

"How much?"

"5 Million."

"That's all?"

"That and any job within the company I want."

"You are worth a lot more than that."

"So if this is all for show then why were you in his arms making out with him in the house alone?" Caroline turned bright red "I don't know we were look each other in the eyes and I just kissed him" she confessed slapping her hand to her head. "Are you developing feelings for my brother?"

"No I can't be."

"What's so wrong with loving my brother for real?" She questioned with an offended tone. "Nothing except that in a year this marriage will be over and if I fall for him I will be heartbroken when he returns to the playboy he once was."

"Let's not think about that and go shopping you are a Mikaelson now which mean you having Mikaelson money!"

     The girls tried on many dresses before deciding on the ones they picked. Caroline was walking into her bedroom when she heard a smashing sound come from her room. She looked to her side and seen that all the picture and nick knacks on her table we smashed and thrown around. Caroline quietly walked into the bathroom locking the door behind her. She took out her cell phone and called Klaus. "Hey love what it is I'm on my way to your apartment." In a whisper "Please hurry someone is in my apartment."

"Ok Love, stay put I'll a few block away." Within minutes she heard her front door fly open "Hey get back here" Klaus shouted. A light knock came on the bathroom door "Caroline its safe." She slowly opens the door Klaus pulled her into his arms. Quickly push her away from him frantically looking up her body asking "are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine they didn't seem me." She stepped out in to her apartment looking at her trashed belongings. "Can I stay with you for the night?"

"Of course love." She thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and when back to the bathroom to get ready for their party. While she was getting ready Klaus starting picking up clothes and folding in lying in on her bed. He picked up an elegant light purple lace lingerie. He quietly moaned as he imagines how unbelievable sexy she would look in it.

"If your good one day maybe I'll show you that up close" Caroline flirted. He looked to her with a grin when his jaw dropped. In a beautiful baby blue floor length dress stood Caroline glowing with a wide smile. "You ready to go?" As he advanced toward her "Caroline you are breath taken."

"You are most handsome yourself."

"I'm aware love, you told me that earlier" he joked. She rolled her eyes and pulled him toward the door "We don't want to be late now do we." The car ride was quiet one of Klaus's hand rested on the wheel while the other laid on top of Caroline's hand. She was looking out the window day dreaming. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"I just think that I might never be comfortable in my apartment again. I mean someone came in there and violated my space."

"You can always move in with me" Klaus offered.

"Ah in the hotel" She sighed. "Actually tonight will be the last night in the hotel, I took note to how uncomfortable it made you so I will be staying at the family home until we buy our own home." She smiled fallowed by a sigh. "Klaus you don't need to do all of these things for me, I know it's not real."

"Caroline you are changing my life. I will do anything and everything to make you happy" Klaus confessed with honest eyes. "Wouldn't it be weird for me to move into your family home with you and your siblings when we are not married yet? I really didn't plan to live with you until we were married."

"Tonight I'll run it past my father and we can see what he thinks."

     The car stopped looking up at the huge house "Were here!" Standing in front of the door way before entering the chaos Klaus leaned down and informed Caroline "Last chance to turn back." She locked eyes on his taking his hand in hers "Not in a million years, I'm right where I need to be."

Married to Money   (A Klaroline FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now