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Chapter 53

Caroline and Klaus entered the apartment, Klaus went to the kitchen and started getting dinner while Caroline flopped down om the island stool pouting. "Why can't we stay at the house tonight?"

"Because my dear we agreed that we wouldn't stay at the house until we are husband and wife."

"That was before we got back to the apartment and seeing how much better the house is."

"Well you'll only be in this apartment for two more nights. Then I will whisk you off on our romantic honeymoon" he said raising his eyebrows at Caroline suggestively.

"Actually one night."

"Excuse me?"

"Its tradition for us to sleep apart from each other the night before the wedding. Your mother rented the entire top floor of the hotel across from the venue so tomorrow after the rehearsal the girls and myself will be staying there."

Klaus moved from the oven where he had just finished cleaning up there dinner mess. Once he had become in front of Caroline wrapping his arms around her kissing and nibbling at her neck. "Well we must not waste any time then."

Caroline let out a little giggle as she pushed Klaus away and kissed him on the lips "since the wedding is so close I think we should wait."

"You do?" he questioned now taking his turn at pouting.

"yeah, It will be fine its just two nights."

"Fine" he agreed not wanting her to feel pushed,she had just forgiven him and he didn't want her to change his mind. She got up from the chair and skipped down the hall "I'm gonna change and they we can start packing for the honeymoon. Wanna tell me where we are going?"

As he was about to respond the apartment door flew open "Nik have you seen Care? She was suppose to come back to my apartment after her meal with Matt but she hasn't returned and she isn't answering her phone" Rebekah shouted nervously. Caroline came walking back into the kitchen in a pair of underwear and one of Klaus's henley shirts on. "Nik did you hear me are you going tell me where we are going on a honeymoon so I can start packing I got to.... oh hey Bekz" she stopped mid sentence when she seen her best friend.

"No no hey Bekz, I'm happy that you and Nik here have made up but I was expecting you at my place you should have texted."

"Your right, I'm so sorry. We just got distracted."

"I can see that" Bekah teased as she raked her eye up and down her friends body.

"Oh not like that you pervert."

"Whatever you say girl. I will be on my way, we will talk about this tomorrow."

"Or my dear sister maybe you don't need to know every things that happens in our relationship" Klaus added.

"Sorry brother this is just a consequence of marrying your sister best friend" she informed him with a laugh as she closed the door behind her. Caroline wrapped her arms around Klaus's neck and kissed his cheek "don't worry I don't tell her about the dirty things we do."


"Well not in great detail anyway" she said with a laugh as his eyes went hide. "What don't act like you and Stefan don't walk about the girl you have sex with."

"We have but only one night stand we never talked about any of the women we've dated."

"Wow that crazy. Why?"

"I'm not sure I guess because every guy wants a girl who really knows how to do it for him in the bedroom but doesn't want anyone to know that she does. Don't want you friends thinking about how good she would be in the sack every time they see her."

"That crazy, I know so many details of what Stefan and Bekah have done and I don't think about having sex with him every time I see him."

"That is because you only have one head that you think with."

"That true, but there are some things they have done I wouldn't mind trying. There is this one move where he"

"Enough" Klaus cuts her off cover his ears.

She pulls his hands away from his ears "Babe I was just joking." He pulled her close nuzzled his head into her neck lightly kissed it. "Since you called me Babe in that text message two weeks ago all I have wanted was to hear you say it, It sounds even sweeter then I imagined."

Caroline pulled him away from her a lightly kissed his lips. "I love you. Now lets get to packing for this honeymoon where I guarantee you'll really like what I call you the first night."

"None of that talk if you are making me wait until that night to be with you again, you need to play fair."

"Fine, so were will this honeymoon be?"

"Its a surprise. What I can tell you is it will be hot, possibly tropical."

They separated and went to there respective room and packed, Caroline also had to pack a small bag to bring with tomorrow since she'd be spending the night away from Klaus before the wedding. Klaus knocked on her open door "you about done?"

"Yeah just need to drag my suitcases to the front door."

"Allow me" he offered taking her bags to the front door. As he walked back he notice her all the light in her room her off except the lamp on her night stand. He assumed that she was going to bed and started to make his away to his room. "Nik" she called.

Leaning in the door frame "Yes love?"

"Are you gonna come lay with me?"

"I..I wasn't sure you wanted me too. You just forgave me and I really don't want to make you feel rushed into anything."

"We can share a bed with out having sex so go grab my leftovers and joint me please."

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