Illusion part 1

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Chapter 68

Caroline woke up expecting to see the sun shining through the windows that surround the guest house, instead she woke up in a dull attic. "Hey everyone she is waking up" a female voice calls from somewhere in the room. Soon the room is flooded with people some she recognized some she didn't. Stefan rushes to her side taking her hand "Oh my god your awake! How are you feeling?"

"Where is he?" She asked with a sore, dry mouth.

"Who? Are you looking for Alaric? He is away with the girls" a familiar sounding voice said.

"Where is my husband?" she asked in a whisper.

"I'm right here" Stefan answered.

"No" Caroline said Stefan looked at her confused, "what do you mean no?"

Caroline laid there not answering Stefan. She was so confused why was she here? Where was here anyway? Where was Klaus? He wouldn't just leave her, they are in love, newlyweds. They haven't spent a night in the new house yet. Why was Stefan acting like Caroline was his wife. Where was Rebekah? Who is Alaric and why would she care if he is away with some girls? A brunette walked further into the room "Kathrine!" Caroline called excitedly thinking she sees someone who would be straight with her. "No, its Elena."

"Why are you here? We are not friends" Caroline stated still feeling very weak. The group looked at each other confused. "What do you mean? We are best friends and have been since we where kids."

"No. Rebekah is my best friend. Where is she?" Again the group gave each other a confused look. A cup of what she assumed had water in was handed to her and she took a big gulp hoping to cure her extremely dry throat. The drink did in fact help sooth her throat however the consistency of the beverage was thicker then water should be and had a metallic taste. Looking down to inspect the water and seen a dark red liquid. "Is this blood?" She question disgusted.

Taking her hand again Stefan answered her "Of course it is. What else would we give a vampire?"

"This is funny Stefan. Bekah won't be far from you, call her and get her here. I want my family" Caroline insisted focusing her eyes to a tree on the other side of the window.

An hour could have passed or just a few minutes before Caroline recognized a familiar blonde strolling into the attic. Rebekah stood at the end of the bed "heard you where looking for me."

"Finally someone I recognize, what kind of terrible joke is this? Why is Stefan pretending to be my husband. We both know that you two are in love and I am happily married to your brother." Letting out a laugh after taking in the hurt in Stefan's eye Rebekah asked everyone to clear out and let her speak with Caroline alone but no one moved. "I'm not going to hurt her" Rebekah swore while looking around the room. "Duh I trust you more then anyone else in my life, maybe not more then Klaus" Caroline told her. Stefan leaded over Caroline so he could look into her eyes "I'll be right outside if you need me."

"Ok" She answered giving him a weird look not understand why he was looking at her so affectionately

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