Let the Ruse Begin

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Chapter 5

As they watch Flip This House marathon Caroline slowly fell asleep in Klaus's arms.  The elevator bell rang as someone waited to enter their penthouse woke her. She was too exhausted to move or open her eyes. "Hey Nik so I heard the funniest thing today. Our loon of a sister informed me you are engaged" He said walking into the living room to see his older brother cuddling the young blond on the sofa. "Or is she not as daft as I thought?" Klaus stood lightly laying Caroline's head on the sofa cushion. "Our sister is not mistaken I will be taking a bride."

"Oh stop the well-educated bull shit with me brother. Who the blonde?" As he asked Caroline rolled over on the couch exposing her face helping Klaus with this conversation with his brother whom think she is asleep. "Caroline?" Kol screeched after seeing her face. "Shhhhh" Klaus warned not wanting Kol to wake her. "You are getting married to our sister's best friend? When did this start?"

"About a year ago at the company charity ball when Caroline came with me because father said that the women I date were not welcome. We really hit it off, we started hanging out casually outside of the office and eventually it developed into something amazing" he informed Kol of the lie that was only partly false.  "So all those time that I made comments on how hot she was or the dirty joke I made about what I wanted to do to her, you had feeling for her or were dating her. That's why you would hit me or tell me to shut up." He didn't answer he just stared at him. "And what did Rebekah think of this?"

"She happy for her best friend and her brother."

"Well I guess I'm happy for you. You always seem to get everything, you get the top seat at the company even though Finn and Elijah are older, you get the hottest, kindest girl I've ever seen."

"Thanks I guess. I'd love to chat more but I should get her to bed" He said looking toward Caroline.

He walked Kol to the door then returned to the living room to softly nudge Caroline. "hmmmm" she moaned as somewhere in between Klaus and Kol's conversation she fell back to sleep. "Love, you feel asleep let's get you to bed."

"Ok" she muttered not opening her eyes or moving. In once swift movement she was in his arms. Her eyes flew open no longer feeling the sofa under her. Once she realized that she was in his embrace and safe she closed her eyes and hid her face into his neck. She did know what is was but she found comfort in his arms.

It was eight in the morning when Caroline woke up in the enormous bed. As she glanced to her right and Klaus was still fast asleep. Knowing that he needed to catch up on his sleep due to the late hours he had been pulling getting ready for a presentation he had yesterday, she decided to let him sleep in. Wanting to do something nice for him since he'd been so kind to her yesterday. She found herself in the fully stocked kitchen or as she would refer to it as heaven. She has just cut apples, cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, watermelon bananas and a few other fruits once they were in a large mixing bowl she added a pinch of salt, a dash a sugar and bit of lemon zest. She set the large bowl of fruit salad in the middle of the table and started to make eggs benedict.

She was working on making the hollandaise sauce from scratch the bell to the elevator rang. Caroline slowly unlocked and opened the door. In the door way stood Elijah Klaus's second eldest brother and his wife Kathrine. "Elijah, Kathrine hello, welcome" she said moving out of the way allowing them access to the apartment. "I do apologize I was unaware you were stopping by or I wouldn't be in my pajamas" She added walking toward the kitchen to stir her sauce. "So where is my brother?" Elijah questioned. "He still sleeping."

"wore him out did you?" Kathrine joke popping a piece of fruit in her month. "Wow that amazing."

"Thank you." Klaus came stumbling down the hallway. "Caroline love, did I hear the door?"

"Yes your dear brother Elijah and his lovely wife are here" Elijah answered. Klaus was now face to face with him. "it's not like you to stop by unannounced." During this time Caroline excused herself to put something more appropriate for company on. "Yes well our brother Kol was in a frieze last night saying how you ruin everything."  Klaus Laughed as Caroline reentered the room. She looked to Elijah and Kathrine "Would you care to join us for breakfast?"

"We'd love too." Klaus, Elijah and Kathrine sat at the kitchen table snacking on Fruit salad while Caroline finished making breakfast. She served everyone their meal and sat down to start enjoying her breakfast. "So brother when were you going to inform any of us that you had been in a serious relationship?"

"Due to obvious circumstance I wanted to wait to be sure this was real and serious to the both of us."

"So you mean you had to hide it from your sister that you were banging her best friends" Kathrine rephrased in her own words. Caroline let out a giggle, everyone turns to look at her since she had been quietly eating during the meal. "What it was funny. And Bekah is fine with our relationship it was more so the fact that I was his secretary" She informed them. "But there is no rule about inter office dating" Kathrine informed them. "Yes, but all the women on our floor are judgment gossips and I didn't want Caroline to have to deal with it" Klaus made his sister in law aware.

    "So Caroline how do you like living in the Hotel?" Elijah asked changing the subject. "Oh I don't live here" She informed them. "I stay here some nights and some of my stuff is here but I do have my own apartment" she added. "Sounds like someone doesn't want to live here" Kathrine hypothesized. Caroline giggled "it's not that I don't want to live with Nik after we get married of course but I don't know living in a hotel is a little odd to me."

"I must admit I do agree with you on that Miss. Forbes" Elijah informed me. "Do you expect children to just run around the hotel? Talking with strangers?" Kathrine questioned Klaus. With his half smile he replied "Children are a long way off."

"Yeah we just want to enjoy each other for the first few years" Caroline added rubbing Klaus's hand.  He smiled at her and put his other hand over hers. Kathrine raised her eyebrow "what?" Caroline questioned her. "It's weird to see Klaus showing affection toward well anything."  "Sometime I forget I'm one of the lucky ones who get to know this side of him." She thought out loud.

The rest of the breakfast well swimmingly. While Klaus was walking Kathrine and Elijah out Caroline went to take a shower before she was to meet Rebekah for some retail therapy. Before he stepped into the elevator Elijah had his last words for Klaus "She seems like a great women brother treat her right"

"I plan on it."

"You know you need to speak with Kol."

"I said all I had to say to him last night."

"Klaus" he started to lecture before he could Klaus cut him off with "So I assuming we will be seeing the two of you at our engagement announcement party tonight?"

"Yes Klaus we will be there" Kathrine stated while the elevator doors closed.

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