Plans & Confessions

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Chapter 39

A few hours later Caroline was at her apartment with Bekah and Kathrine making some wedding plans while Klaus and Stefan were back at the Mikaelson Manner packing up his stuff to move in with Caroline.

"Are you getting nervous Care your wedding is in three weeks and there is so much to do."

"I know Beks however being that your family has so many wedding traditions all I actually need to do right now is confirm the color scheme."

"And get your wedding dress" Kat reminded her.

"Speaking of that on Tuesday my mother, cousin April, and friend Bonnie will meet us at the boutique to pick out my dress, the bridal party dress, and I think the mothers are going to get new dresses as well."

"What about Sage?" Beks asked.

"She is in Australia until the week before the wedding so once you guys pick a dress she is just going to send her measurements in."

"Thats not Finn's Sage is it?"

"Well Kat shes never been his but yes they are one in the same. Her mother and mine stayed in touch after her husband left M Corp."

"Caroline you cunning little fox" Kathrine said as the boys entered the apartment.

"What brought on that conclusion?" Klaus asked while he and Stefan returned with all this belongings.

"First she does not allow Aurora in the wedding and now she is having Finn walk down with Sage,the one that got away. The best part is your mother will love it because if there is anyone she likes more then Aurora is Sage."

"I think the entire Mikaelson clan can agree with my mother on that" Klaus stated wrapping his arms around Caroline's waist and kissed her check.

"Where you two ladies aware of the marvelous gift Care got for us?"

"Your not having a baby are you?" Bekah asked horrified.

"No, but jeez Bekz tell us how you really feel. And the gift is for you" Caroline said looking at Klaus. He lightly rolled his eyes and took out his phone showing the girls the house Care had got them.

"Its not my cup of tea but it seems to be a very deep gesture that means a lot between the two of you. Please just don't get tetanus and die in that code violation you call a house."

"It may not be the mansion you are use too but it will be the most beautiful home once we are finished renovating it. Whats better then having your children grown up in a home their parents rebuild with love?"

"Kids Klaus? Lets get through the wedding first before you knock her up unless you want your mother to lynch her" Kat gave him advise jokingly.

The girls decided on a peacock color scheme which will include many blues and purples. This fit the couple perfectly as Klaus's favorite colors blue and Caroline's is purple. They planed the bridal shower for three days from now on Wednesday from there they will head to Australia to celebrate the bachelorette party with Sage. The rehearsal dinner would be plan and hosted by the maid of honor and Rebekah was taking it very seriously and refused any help or suggestions from Caroline and Kathrine.

Everyone had left and Caroline had finished unpacking Klaus's belongings. The couple sat on the couch in silence both in deep thought.

"Care" Klaus said shyly which made Care very nervous. He had always spoken to her with confidence. "Yeah?"

"I hope my pending confession does not change your mind about marrying me, but I can't keep it to myself anymore."

"Klaus whats going on? Your making me nervous."

"That is not my intention love. Over the last few weeks during the time we've spent together I've started to develop true feelings for you. Though we are to be married I would like to court you, take you on dates, earn you as my wife. For now on I will be sleeping in the guest bedroom until you decided that it is time in our relationship to take that step again."

Caroline was in shock this entire time Klaus was feeling what she was.Before she could respond a knock came at the door. Klaus answered it to find a drunk Enzo screaming "DON'T MARRY HIM RUNAWAY WITH ME."

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