In Da Club

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Chapter 33

The guys were sitting in their VIP section when they noticed Matt about three drinks in on the dance floor with a brunette, Stefan let out a huff and rolled his eyes. "Mate shouldn't you be happy that's not Bex?"

"Shut up Kol!" Something seems to catch Kol's eye from across the room. "You two are so depressing I'm gonna go mingle." He walked through the bar to the up to a blonde and tapped her on the back "Hello Gorgeous" she said in her ear before she turned around.

"Sorry I'm not interested" She said as she turned around. "Kol!"

He laughed "you should at least look at someone when you reject them."

"You can't imagine how many guys have hit on me tonight."

"Oh yes I can" he flirted more then he intended too.

"Someone has had a bit too drink" she brushed Kols unintentional pick up line off.

"Not as much as your fella."

"Klaus is here?"

"Yeah he and Stefan are drowning their sorrows in the VIP section."

"Sorrows?" She questioned. Kol showed her the Photo for the sleazy tabloid.

"Why would that upset Nik? He knows Matt is my cousin."

"Well he seems to be under the impression that tonight was a girls night and then finds out its not."

"First off Matt showed up as we were leaving and invited himself, and secondly any guy I will never sleep with is welcome to girls night you know Matt or you."

"Ouch, you wound me Care." He extends his hand out to her "Shall we dance?"

Placing her hand in his she agrees "of course, little brother."

As Kol and Caroline jumped around the dance floor laughing and having a great time Rebekah flopped down next to Stefan in the booth. "Hello handsome" he greeted him playing with his hair. "I can't stomach this" Klaus said raising from the booth and going to the bar. Stefan looked at Bekah "Your not planing on replacing me with that Matt guy are you?"

"What?" She questioned very confused. Stefan pulled out his phone and showed her the picture that has driven him to drink this evening. Before allowing her to speak he started "I've been interested in you for so long. I just did want to ruin the relationship we both have with Klaus but Bex I am prepared to fight for you. So if there are still some unresolved feeling for that guy please just don't write me off. Allow me to show you that I'm the one for you, I intend to be with you for the rest of my life, Its you its always been you."

Wiping tear from her eyes and moving closer to him "Stef, I do not have any feeling for Matt. Those feelings are long gone and dead. Yes he and I are friends make no mistake I intend to be Mrs. Salvatore.... one day."

Klaus was sitting at the bar looking into the dance floor wondering where Care was, he had now seen the Bekah and Matt but not his lovely Caroline. Just then his phone buzzed a text message from Stefan came through the phone

Hey man Bekah and I made up we are going back to my place DON"T COME OVER. Sorry man know it weird cuz she is your sister but I love her man. Whatever happens with Care let it happen, who know maybe you won't be getting divorced in a years time.

Klaus kept rereading the message he was happy that Stefan and his sister were in love. A similar voice from a few stools down pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry I don't accept drinks from men I don't know."

"Well pretty girl that how we can get to know each other."

"I don't think my fiance would like it so much if he seen you looking at me the way you are."

"Who that Little rich boy you were dancing with? He is not enough man for you, you come home with me I can show you what its like to be with a real man."

Caroline let out a laugh "That guy I was dancing with is my brother to be and trust me my guy is a real man. I am very satisfied to the point of exhaustion really."

Caroline though this would make the gross man leave her alone but my the look on his face he was just picturing her in the throughs of passion. Caroline looked around wondering just how long it was going to take Kol in the bathroom. A hand wrapped around her waist and the sexiest voices she ever heard spoke in her ear as a light heated kiss was pressed to her neck. "Is everything alright my love?"

The man trying to pick up Caroline butted in before she could speak. "She's a bit busy right now man."

"I am aware she is busy come home with me" Klaus looked into Caroline's wild eye before continuing "Bex's has left with Stefan so I take you home with me. I'll message Kol and let him know to call a car." They started to walk away before the man grabbed Klaus's arm. "I don't think so I've haven't been putting in the work for her to go home with you. Who do you think you are?"

Klaus light raised Caroline's left hand and showed the man the right on her finger. "I'm the man who put that there, That ring indicates that she is for me and only me." Normally Care would let him speak about her as if she was an object but she knew it was because that it how this gross man seen women and it was the way for Klaus to get his point across that she is not available. And for some reason that she wasn't ready to handle yet him speaking about her that way really turned her on.

He huffed in anger "Whatever" and walked away from the giggling couple.

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