The Tour

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Chapter 21

Klaus opened the door looking into the quaint apartment. He walked around a bit taking in his fiancée's new home for the next few months. "So what do you think?" Caroline questioned. "It's not the Mikaelson mansion but it's nice."

"Would you like to see my bedroom?" She asked with blushing cheeks and a low shy voice. Klaus nodded his head in agreeance. Caroline took his hand in hers and led him into her room.

He walked around her room looking at her large bedroom. "You got Rebekah to give up the master? Very skilled you must be" he joked. "This is actually the smaller room" she made him aware. He smiled and continued to look around. He stopped at her night stand and stared at a picture of the pair from their engagement party. He turned toward Caroline who was still standing by the door. "Why is this here" he questioned with a shocked voice. She took small light steps toward him as she answered with "you keep the important things close to you."

"And I am important to you?"

"Very, that's why I keep that by my side" she replied now standing just inches from him. The odd couple stood close in silence for what felt like hours before Klaus broke it with "look at the time I should be going." They started walking toward the bedroom door "thank you Klaus for a beautiful evening."

"Anything for you my love" he said as he tried to open the bedroom door. He pulled a few times before looking back "Caroline the door is locked, we are stuck in here."

"What? No that's not possible" she said as she pulled on the door with all her might.

She looked back at Klaus "give me your cell phone I'll call Bekah to come let us out." He put his hand in his pocket and then realized it was out in his jacket lying on the living room couch. "Where is yours he questioned it is in my purse next to your coat."

Caroline started walking toward her closet came out and handed Klaus a pair of his sweat pants that he allowed her to barrow before. "Looks like we are having a sleepover might as well get comfortable."

Sorry for such a short chapter. I've been so busy lately I barely can find the time to write. So when I can get anything post even if it is short I want to do so.


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