Honeymoon Part 2

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Chapter 66

Remember if you don't want read the more graphic part avoid what is in bold.

After removing the robe from her silky skin Klaus gently released Caroline to the bed, before he joins her on the bed Klaus takes in the beautiful body. Caroline let out a giggle which snapped Klaus out of his lustful stare. "Sorry your making me a little nervous looking at me like that" She admitted blushing. "I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable Love, I just can't believe that an amazing women like you is my wife" Klaus complemented. She reached for his hand and pulled him onto the bed, on top of her. Wrapping her hand around his neck pulling Klaus down for a passionate kiss. Caroline's kisses trailed from his lips to his neck then up to his ear. "Start believing it Mr. Mikaelson because I'm yours and I want you" she whispered into his ear before nibbling on it. Klaus's arms slide around Caroline gripping on her waist inadvertently pulling her into him, subconsciously thinking if he can pull her close enough to become one then once this looming year long deal comes to an end she wouldn't leave.

Niklaus's hand slid up her back leaving goose bums in its wake, to unclasp the white lace bra and free her plump breasts. His hand cupped her left breast and squeezed and rubbed it before lightly pinching her nipple all the while sucking and biting on her right breast. Caroline pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and moaned so quietly that he barely heard her. After spending a great deal of time show love to her breasts he started to kiss and nibble his way down her stomach. He stopped once his face was hovering ever so close to her waiting wet center. Klaus took in a deep breath. "You smell delicious my love" he ran his hand up her legs once the landed on the waist band of her barely there panties he pulled them down off her legs leaving her bare in front of him ready and willing. He lowered his head to meet her sopping core and sweep his warm tongue between her folds tasting her sweet juices. As the strokes of his tongue changes seed and direction pulling her closer to the sweet release her body craved Caroline's pants and moans became louder and more erratic. Once He located that sweet bud that was the key to her orgasm Klaus added two finger slowly moving them in and out of her while he lightly sucked on it. Finishing her off with a nibble jolting her into the most powerful orgasm she has ever experienced. He continued to stroke her with his tongue as she road out her bliss. Klaus climbed to the head of the bed kissing up her body on his way. Once reaching Caroline's lips he left a gentle peck on her lip before confessing "If that was the only taste in my mouth for the rest of my life I would die the happiest man."

Caroline flipped him over and climbed on top. She had her head tucked into his shoulder kissing and biting at his neck. "That was amazing. Can I make you feel amazing?"

"I would love that" he answered kissing her lips. Caroline began kissing him rough and passionately. She positioned herself above his hard manhood and gradually sang him into her waiting womb. Once she had completely filled herself, she halted allowing her body to get use to feeling him so deep in her. "Carrree" Klaus moan feel her warmth all around him. Their eye met and were both a few shades darker with lust. She began by moving her hips in a circular motion pulling a growl out of him. She then sporadically would lift her self off him and slowly sank back down filling herself back up again. Their breathing was becoming uneven and both feeling the pull to oblivion. It wasn't long after Caroline started bouncing up and down on him that she fell into her second orgasm screaming "Nik..Nik.......Nik." She kept riding him and soon after she could feel him release into her while letting out a guttural moan.

Through out the night the couple took turns pleasuring each other and making love. It wasn't till early the next morning till the couple stopped to eat and sleep for a few hours before waking up and making love again in the shower. The next few days of the honeymoon where like this, the couple only stopping for food or sleep.

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