Engagement Party part 2

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Chapter 9

Caroline was sitting near a large family painting smiling at an adorable little Klaus. "Cute kid wasn't he?" Elijah questioned. "yes yes he was."

"Though kids we a few years away?" Kathrine joked. "That was before I seen what he looked like as a kid" Caroline retorted.  "So did you meet with the Mikaelson's?" "Yeah I don't think Ester is too fond on me" Caroline informed Kathrine and Elijah. "Do take it to heart my mother isn't fond of most people in her children's life" Elijah reassured her. "Well she LOVES Finn's wife" Kathrine pointed out. "Where is Finn I assumed he'd be here" Caroline questioned. "Ha him come to anything that has to do with Klaus, right?"

"Kathrine I don't believe she knows."

"Knows what?" Elijah looked to Kathrine "fine I'll tell her. In his second year of College when you and Rebekah where in high school Klaus found out that his longtime girlfriend Aurora had been having a secret relationship with Finn. Ester took Finn's side and he and Aurora eventually got married and Klaus is expected to be kind to them both. Finn has this weird vendetta against Klaus ever since he acts like it was Klaus who stole his women." Klaus returned to the group bringing Caroline a glass of Champagne "What did I miss?"

"Nothing that matters" Caroline informed him kissing him on the check.  "Ah you informed her of Aurora and Finn"

Before Caroline had the change to answer her a familiar face walked through the door. "What is he doing here?"

"who" questioned Rebekah now joining the group with Matt. "Oh Enzo" Matt answered. "How do you know Lorenzo St. John?" Questioned Elijah. "They were engaged" answered Matt. Kol let out a laugh "Klaus and Enzo have been trying to one up each other since we were kids. This is going to get hysterical."

"What happened between the two of you" Kathrine asked. "Well the St. John make each member in the family go out and live in three years of poverty which is actually as normal people live. When I met him he was Laurence King a very broke orphan who myself along with Bekah and my mother helped get a job and find a place to live, we ended up dating all throughout high school and in to College. He proposed to me the last day of our first year of college.  One day we were going to the movie but instead he took me to meet his parents and in front of everyone explained this all to me. So I ran out of there called Bekah told her I was coming to New York and I've been here since."

"Where she ended up working for and falling in love with my dear brother" Kol added in a mocking tone. "Yes I did" Caroline agreed with a big smile connecting her eyes with Klaus's who was also gleaming.

Kathrine took Rebekah and Caroline's hands and excused them all to go to the bathrooms. "Does this mean Klaus wins since he is going to marry Enzo's former love?" Kol questioned. "I'd say. Dude was devastated when she left" Matt added. "If you don't mind me asking Matthew why did she leave him? You think most women dream to find they're broke fiancé is a billionaire" Elijah questioned.  "True but one thing you will learn about Caroline is she is not most women. She doesn't talk about it much with me but from what Bekah told me it she was more upset with that he lied about who he was for three years. And he threw her into meeting his huge rich family who looked down on her and treated her like dirt" he explained. After Matt had excused himself to go grab a drink at the bar.

"Niklaus long time no see?" Came from Enzo. "Yeah, been what three years" Kol joked while Elijah and Klaus tried not to laugh. "About that long I guess" Enzo replied confused. "Isn't this an Engagement party? Klaus where is the young lady who has the unfortunate task of being your wife?"

"She accompanied my sisters to the bathroom, she will be back soon." As soon as Klaus spoke Caroline appeared on his right with a glass of scotch in hand for him. "Thanks, love. Enzo I believe you know my fiancée Caroline" Klaus questioned with his evil grin. "Care?" Enzo questioned in shock. "Hi Lorenzo its been awhile."

"About five years to be exact. I should have known you were with Rebekah. So what have you been doing for the last five years" he wondered."Working and falling in love with my brother" Rebekah answered with attitude not happy that a ghost from Caroline past has shown up. Caroline let a small giggle "yes for the last 4 in a half years was working as Nik's secretary before we fell in love."

"It's a shame you gave up on your photography" Lorenzo pointed out inferring that Klaus had killed her dreams. "Oh no mate she didn't give up on it, she has had some photo's in Bekah's catalogs and she has stepped down at her from her professional roll in the company to focus solely on her art" Klaus said smiling down at Caroline. "yes I'm actually going to start taking classes again and doing freelance pieces soon" Caroline added. "Good to hear your doing so well if you'll excuse me I must say hello to Ester and Mikael."

As Enzo walked away Finn and Aurora walked through the door. Kathrine pointed out to Caroline who they were. Caroline reached up to Klaus pulling him in for a tight embrace placing a delicate kiss on his check and whispering in his ear "If we can make it through tonight we got this." Klaus whispered back "I couldn't do this with anyone else, Thank you."

"Niklaus" greeted Finn. "Brother, Caroline this is my eldest brother Finn and his wife Aurora" Klaus formally introduced them. "Nice to meet you" Caroline said offering her hand for a hand shake which was ignored. "Mother informs me you met her in similar way as to Elijah meting his wife?" A light growl came from behind her making Caroline aware that her new friend Kathrine's feeling where hurt. One think that the Mikaelson's would learn about Caroline very quickly is that she often doesn't think before she speaks and if she cares about you she will defend you till she dies. "Yes, Its a shame that Kol didn't have a girlfriend for Elijah to steel he had to go and fall in love with a hard working signal women" Caroline answered making Finn well aware that these backhanded comments wouldn't stand with her. Shocked by her answer Finn excused himself and Aurora to go visit with their parents.

Embarrassed about what she said she turn to Klaus who smile was larger and brighter than she ever saw "Sorry I'm a bit of a blabber mouth."

"Don't apologize love that was amazing."

"I've never seen anyone stand up to Finn" Kol said in excitement. "It is never wise to insult a friend of Caroline's while she is around, this classy lady turns in to a bulldog very quickly" Rebekah added with Matt's agreement.

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