Not the First Time

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Chapter 45

Klaus woke to a rapping on the window and Caroline asking "Nik has is that noise?" He seen his sister starring into the car with an amused grin on her face. "Bekah" he answered Caroline. She shot up and "Your going to owe me one lover" Caroline told him which confused him.

"What do you mean Sweetheart?"

"I'm going to get out of this car so you don't have to deal with your sister unrelenting mockery" Caroline leaned up and planted a kissed on his lips. She picked her panties of the floor and left.

Klaus watch the girls walk to the elevator before he pulled out and headed home hoping to get back before Stefan and Matt woke up. As Klaus walked to the door of he removed his shoes hoping to not too wake his sleeping house guests. He gently placed his sneakers down and turned to go to Caroline's room. "So your sister texted me and told me to ask you why Caroline left your car sans panties this morning?"

Stefan and Matt stand in front of Klaus with their hands folded like parents who caught their teenager sneaking back in from a crazy night out.

"I don't know about that, I spent the night with my beautiful fiancee talking until we both passed out" Klaus lied trying to conceal that famous smirk.

"Sure you know nothing about it" Matt laughed.

"What did you two lovebirds talk about then?"

"Well Stefan if you must know we talked about me meeting her mother. She wants to have a one on one conversation with me before Caroline and I get married. Caroline is freaking out about it because it seems her mother is very fond of Enzo and the fact that Care and I kept everything secret for a long time and our engagement was publicly leaked before she could tell her mother isn't helping my cause."

"Now I believe that all they did was talk. Auntie Liz is a very big fan of Enzos' thats for sure."

"Didn't he like embarrass Caroline and was aggressive with her?"

"Yeah Stefan he was, but Caroline's mother doesn't know that."

"When Auntie Liz looks at Enzo she doesn't see the rich prick asshole we see. She sees him as the broken hard working kid who help Caroline see that she was worth love and didn't need to be disrespected by a guy."

"Great Matt thanks, that has really boosted my confidence."

"Just because that what she thinks he was to Care doesn't make it true" Matt sighs and continues. "I don't know all what Caroline told you so I might be signing up for a beating when she finds out I told. That college party was not the first time he bruised Caroline."

"WHAT?" Stefan and Klaus yelled in unison.

"Well about a year after Enzo and Care got together he started being a huge dick to Bekah, we were dating at the time and she cried about it a lot, he called her easy and that she jumped from guy to guy. That wasn't true Bekah and I had been dating longer then he and Caroline at this point, Mystic Falls is a small place and she was the first new kid to come to town in the five years and she was gorgeous so all the dudes wanted her and when she turned them down they lied about her and said she did whatever they wanted. Anyway Enzo started to say that Bekah was a bad influence on her. This all came to a head at the Miss Mystic Pageant that the girls were entered in, When Bekah took the stage to be presented and the black light came on all these words like whore, slut, easy and more showed up on her dress. I knew Enzo did it and so I attacked him, we fought and after he admitted to doing it, Care and him broke up. Did you guys meet Tyler?"

"How could I forget him he showed up to my house to duel me for Caroline's hand."

Matt shook his head and continued. "He has always had a thing for Caroline since we were like five, so he asked Caroline out about two weeks after this happened and she said yes because she was trying to get over Enzo. There is only like one place to go and eat so they were there on their date and Bekah and I were there abut three tables away. Half way through the date Enzo comes busting through the grill treating to kill Tyler. I tried to get Enzo out of there but Care and Bekah stop me, if I got into anymore fights I would get kicked off the football team. Against my pleading Caroline allowed Enzo to drag her out of the Grill.I'm not sure what happened but when I seen her the next day see had a purple bruise on her neck and they were back together. She told all of us that she burned herself with curling iron but he had to have done something to her, she would not have gotten back together with someone who did what he did to Bekah."

"I want to destroy him, he just like his father what a sad excuse of a man, and now that our companies are partnered in a project so once I get back from my honeymoon I have to see him everyday and be professional."

"All I am saying is if Auntie Liz doesn't like you more then Enzo you need to remeber the person she is a fan of doesn't exist and what really matter is what Caroline thinks. After the wedding she will be going back to Mystic Falls."

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