The Agreement

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Chapter 2

                Rebekah open the door flopped on the opposite side of the couch. "So what's going on?"

C: Well you know how you've been trying to push me into a relationship?

R: Yes, only for the last year or so.

C: The reason I've been so hesitant is because I kind of already have been in one.

R: I KNEW IT! Who is it?

C: umm. I'll tell you but please don't get mad. I wanted to tell you I really did he just wanted to make sure it was something serious before we told anyone.

R: And its serious now?

Caroline slowly moved her left hand out of her pocket showing Rebekah her engagement ring.

C: I'd say so.

Rebekah flew up off her seat. Covering her hand over her month.

R: Klaus! Your sleeping with my brother?!

C: Its more than that Beks we are in love. Please don't hate me.

R: In love? Hate you? I could never, we are going to be sisters!

Caroline and Rebekah hug before Caroline questioned "Hey, how did you know it was Klaus without me telling you?"

"The ring Klaus bought that ring years ago he used his entire paycheck that he earned from closing his first buy out without anyone's help. He said that the women who would be his wife would wear a ring he earned all on his own. And even though it was as much as Klaus Miakelson could afford it was just what Nik could and the perfect girl would find it just as perfect as he found her." Caroline check turned all red and rosy.  "You see Caroline the reason I can't be mad at you for this because I want to be since you didn't tell me and we are best friends is because my brother thinks you are fit for that ring."

After Rebekah freaking out about Caroline and her brother she left. Caroline texted Klaus asking him to meet her at her apartment. He answered her back right away informing her he was on her way. About twenty minutes later another knock came at her door. She rose to answer the door. She opened the door to see a smiling Klaus at the door. "What's got you smiling?" He didn't answer her with words, he took her left hand a kissed her ring.  She turned away from him trying to hide her blushing cheeks. She sat on the couch. "I will do this but there are some conditions."

"I would expect not less."

"Along with your rules, we will have no secret lovers. I'm not trying to be in tabloids for my husband stepping out on me."

"That is just fine, as long as we put in the contract that we can be romantic with each other as long as both parties agree" he smiled at her with his famous grin. "Just cus it's in the contract doesn't mean it going to happen" She joked with him as she agrees to his counter condition. "If you to take another lover or physically hurt me this contract is ended and I get the 5 million dollar but do not take a poison in the company."

"That all sounds fair to me, however if you take a lover another year of marriage will be added to the contract."  Caroline nodded her head agreeing with his terms.

Klaus emailed the new information over to this Lawyer Stefan and waited with Caroline for the contract. "Oh Klaus while we wait I must tell you that to help me make my decision I tested Rebekah. I figured that if I could get her to believe me that we would get anyone to think this is real."

"Oh and how did she take it?"

"It actually worked out quite well because she's been trying to hook me up with guys for the year and I always decline so many time she accused me of have a secret boyfriend, so when I shows her the ring she knew it was you and assumes we've been dating in secret for about a year."

"Well at least we have our back story."

"Hey Klaus are you going to give me a different ring" Caroline questioned gazing at the perfect sphere on her left hand. "Why do you not like it?" Klaus questioned in anger trying to hide his hurt. "No its perfect, if you asked me to design my ideal engaged ring it would be this one." As she spoke Klaus's heart started to race, he recalled his passed declaration of when he bought it that the women he would give it too would find it to be perfect. "Bekah explained to me why this ring is so important and I just don't want to tarnish it for you."

"Caroline the fact that you are worried about tarnishing the importance of the ring proves you are worth of wearing it" He informed her tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her palms got sweaty and her heart started to race. What is this effect his touch had on her? They slowly started to lean into each other their lips almost touched when a knock came at the door. They both let out a quiet sigh as Caroline raised from her seat to answer the door. "Miss Forbes" a young boy in his teens questioned. "I'm she" Caroline answered. "Mr. Salvatore Mr. Mikaelson's lawyer sent me over this document for you to sign." Klaus came from behind her wrapping his hand around her torso "oh yes that must be our prenup." Klaus stated taking it from the boy. "I'll drop this with Stefan tomorrow, thank you" he said as he handed the boy a twenty for his trouble and closed the door. "Never underestimate who can be paid off for the truth" Klaus explained his lie to Caroline.

"I was actually thinking that we should probably get one in place since we will be legally married."

"I don't feel that necessary Caroline I trust you."

"Thank you but I would feel better with one in place. It should say that If our marriage is dissolved I get all my assets that I entered the marriage with." Klaus nodded his head but added "Plus your five million dollar one-time allowance plus the engagement ring."

"NO Klaus I can't accept that, it means so much to you I couldn't keep it."

"You said it yourself that this ring is your idea of the perfect ring plus you are about to put your life on hold for a year for me. That ring does and will always belong to you." She hugged him "well if it means that much to you then I'll keep it." She started to pull away from him and he gently slide his hand up to her check and pulled her lips to meet his. After the shock wore off she leaned in to the kiss. When they pulled apart they were both out of breath "What was that for?" She questioned his motives. "We will be kissing a lot to keep up our little charade and I had to kiss the shocked reaction out of you away from judgmental eyes."

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