Her Again

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Chapter 19

After her lunch with Jake and Judy Caroline received a text from Rebekah asking me to meet her at Mikaelson Corp so they can go shopping once she finishes lunch with Stefan. She slowly walked to the Mikaelson Corporation not wanting to bother Klaus at work. While she was talking she noticed a few flashes, Caroline looked to the side and realized that there were some paparazzi. Though Caroline does not enjoy all this extra added attention but for now she was just happy that they were keeping a distance.

Caroline reached Klaus's office and wandered over to Chris's desk, He stood "Mrs. Mikaelson hello" he quickly looked down at the calendar, "I don't see you on the schedule."

"Oh no I'm not here to see Klaus Also its not Mrs. Mikaelson not yet anyway. I'm just going to wait here for Rebekah." He smiles and went back to organizing files while Caroline was about to take a seat when she noticed that Chris was stacking the file incorrectly. She walked back over to the desk "let me help you with that, Klaus can get very precise on how he likes his information."

Chris sighed in relief "Thank you Mrs. Mikaelson I feel like I am fail miserable here."

"Please call me Caroline, for the next week or so I'll come by and show you how he likes things done."

"Thank you Caroline I really appreciate it" Chris said with gratitude.

"I was unaware that Klaus had a business meeting this early in the day, he usually like to keep them for the end of the evening" Caroline asked Chris wondering who her husband to be was talking too.

"Oh it's not an official work meeting" Chris got out before the door open and emerged Klaus and Aurora.

Klaus walked Aurora to the elevator turn to reenter his office and notice his fiancée "Caroline I didn't know you were stopping by the office today."

"I'm not here to see you I'm just wasting some time here waiting in Rebekah" Caroline informed him handing Chris more files. Sensing there was something wrong Klaus asked "Love may I see you in my office please?"

"Sure I will just wait out here for Bekah while the two of you talk" Caroline joked.

"Very funny, in my office please" he asked. She smiled as she walked in to his office folded her arms and waited for him to speak.

"Caroline it is such a pleasant surprise to see you, but I thought we were meeting for dinner later?"

"we are. I'm just waiting here for Bekah. So what did Aurora want?"

"Nothing important. So what are you and Beks doing today?"

"Nothing important" As Caroline answered back her phone buzzed with a notification from Bekah informing Caroline she was in the lobby. "Well that Bekah I need to go. See you at diner."

Caroline walked out the office door fallowed close behind by Klaus. She looked toward Chris "See you tomorrow morning."

With a ding of the elevator his angry Fiancée was gone. Klaus slowly turned toward Chris questioning "see you tomorrow?"

"Yes Miss Forbes offered to show me how to like things done to make her departure from this role easier."

"For whom?"

"I believe this will help the both of us sir"

"Chris please be sure to call Valentina's and verify that my reservation is move to the back room for privacy"

"Yes sir" Chris answer picking up the phone dialing the number.

Klaus returned to his office and punched the wall angry that silly Aurora has upset Caroline once again.

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