The Day After

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Chapter 18

Caroline woke to the sun shining on her face and a note on her pillow.

Dear Caroline,

I do apologize that I had to move you from my bed I wanted nothing more to leave you there in peace.

Just then Caroline looked and round and realized that she was in Rebekah's bed. She shrugged and went back to the note.

It is amazing how deep of a sleeper you are; you did not move a muscle when I lifted you. I was unaware of what time today my parents were returning so I needed to move you to be sure. I will be in the office all day so please make yourself at home. I'd like you to join me at Valentina's at eight for dinner so we may discuss our impending vows.

- Klaus

Caroline raised from the bed and jumped in the shower. She wore a light purple lace floral knee length dress with a pair of brown wedge sandals and a jean jacket. She let her hair with a little wave and bounce to it and put on light make-up. As she was leaving the large closet to grab her purse and leave for a meeting she ran in to Rebekah in last night's gown. "If you're going to be spending the evenings at Stefan's you should bring a change of clothes your formal walk of shame is not that elegant" Caroline joke. "Oh isn't it" Rebekah joked back throwing one hand on the back of her head and the other on her hip striking a pose. The girl looked at each other with a serious glance and then broke out into happy laughter."Where you going pretty lady?'

"Well I have a meeting and then dinner with your brother" Caroline informed her with a smile. Rebekah rolled her eyes a giggled "yeah you and my brother."

"I know don't remind me" Caroline requested in rose red embarrassed cheeks.

"What happened?"

"Well you know how we were waiting until we got married to have sex?" Caroline asked know that Bekah would understand her underlining meaning which Caroline couldn't say out right in case a house keeper was listening in. "Yes. Is he pressuring you?" she questioned her best right with a irritating disappointed look which was meant for Klaus. "No no well last night I got really drunk like really drunk and might have thrown myself at him, which he was the sweetest gentleman about it. Im just super embarrassed because I was really trying to tease him that I got completely naked and was walking to his room however I did not know which one it was and with my luck Kol came out of his room as I was standing in the hall." Rebekah let out a divine laugh. "Its not funny ok maybe its a little funny" Caroline let out with a sigh. "It will be fine Care, your going to be married this will not be the last time that your embarrass yourself in front on Klaus, and Kol is a pervert he most likely would have walked in on you in the shower." The girls share an embrace "Thanks Beks better get going if im gonna make this meeting. See you later tonight."

Caroline rushed into the dinner "Jake Judy I'm so sorry im late."

"Its fine we just got here ten minutes ago" Judy informed her sliding a binder to Caroline to look through. "So what do you think?" Jake questioned Caroline. "Its perfect I'm just really nervous I've never spent this much money in one time in my life" She said with a wide smile wrote a check for Twenty five thousand dollars and handed it to the couple. "Thank you so much now he'll finally get what he deserves."

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