Not the Villain

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Chapter 70

"Hello Love."

Caroline eyes snapped to the beautiful man standing in the doorway. Klaus took two step toward Caroline before Stefan whooshed into the attic and in front of Klaus preventing him form getting closer to her.

"Do you forget about the promise you made to stay out of Mystic Falls?" Elena questioned Klaus with her head cocked to the side with cocky arrogance.

" I could never forget, I must say the lot of you are terrible at hold me to my word because I have snuck into this room every night since Stefan called me for my blood. The beauty who said promise  was struck with requested my presents so I guess a amnesty is in place?" Klaus questioned with his signature smirk.

"Caroline was asking for you before she knew the truth, she doesn't want you here" Stefan inform Klaus with a triumphant tone. "Thats not true" croaked from the weak voice in the bed behind them. The room went silent and every ones gaze fell onto Caroline. "I asked Rebekah to call him after Freya restore my memory of reality." Stefan quickly made his way to her side at the bed, taking her hand in his, still causing her to flinch at the affectionate act. Stefan face fell and with a sad expression asked "why? How could you ask him to be here after remembering everything that has happened?"

"He is evil, the villain" Elena yelled preventing Caroline from answering Stefan's question. Glaring daggers at Elena "Klaus has never been the villain of my story." This declaration cause everyone to give Caroline as shocked look. "Can everyone leave Klaus, Freya and myself to have a minute please." Elena and Stefan were reluctant to leave Klaus alone with Caroline but Rebekah pushed them out the door.

Caroline looked at Klaus and motioned with her eyes to sit in the chair next to the bed. "We have a lot to talk about but first I would like Freya to show you what I thought the last year of my life was. If that OK."

"Absolutely" Freya answered. For one last time Freya did the spell and showed Klaus the fantasy life Caroline was dreaming of. Once it had finished she quietly left the room to leave them to talk alone.

"Freya and Rebekah said that the twins called on their magic to bring my biggest desires forward so I wouldn't feel pain while I was dying. It felt so real, it still does and now I'm expected to go back to the life I had before it all."

"What a glorious life that would have been, I wish it was our reality." Klaus moved from the chair to sit next to Caroline on the bed. He stroked her cheek and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear notice the pale gray tone her skin had.  "Love before we continue this conversation would you please drink some blood?" Caroline looked the cup of blood that sat on the night stand and made a disgusted face before looking over to him "Its cold and A negative."

Klaus repositioned himself behind Caroline before biting his wrist and offering it to Caroline "How bout something fresh?" Caroline sunk her teeth in and pulled blood into her mouth feeling alive the moment it hit her tongue. "Caroline I brought you some blood" Stefan stated walking into the room stopping when he noticed that she was drinking from Klaus. Flashing that infamous Mikaelson smirk "she good mate" Klaus gloated while looking down at Caroline.  

Hi All,

So there is just one or two more chapters left before the book is done!!!  Thank you all for reading!

                                                     -J. Chamberlain

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