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Chapter 24

Klaus slowly pulled away from their passionate kiss, he could see the want to in her eyes. He wanted her as well but she told him before it was too early for her to be that intimate with him. If or when this goes to the next level it would be on Caroline's move. Caroline leaned into his body countering his passionate kiss with one of her own. The simple kiss turned into a steamy make out session quickly. The couple reluctantly pulled away from each other to catch their breath. "Klaus I'm just..." Caroline started to speak before Klaus cut her off. "Love, its ok. We will take this as slow as you need, I just want you to be comfortable." Caroline cuddled up to his chest and in a sleepy voice "thank you." He kissed the top of her head "anything for you my love" he confessed to a sleeping Caroline.

Caroline woke up at 8am feeling a bit cold she grabbed Klaus's button down and through it on and walked out of her bedroom into the kitchen. Still waking up it took Caroline a few seconds before she realized they were no longer locked in her room. Caroline used Klaus's phone to call and inform Chris to push all Klaus's meeting for the morning back two hours. She then went to the fridge and took out the ingredients she would need to make waffles.

Once she had the batter mixed up and ready for the waffle iron a knock came at the door. Since they had only live at this apartment for two days Caroline knew it had to be Rebekah, she must have forgotten or already lost her key. With a chuckle at her last thought Caroline open the door at was shocked to see Enzo looking back at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for Rebekah" he answered.

"At eight thirty in the morning?"

"Is it that early? I've been walking around so long I must have lost track of time."

"Come in and let me make you a warm cup of tea" Caroline offered Enzo and she opened the door more allowing him to enter her new home. Enzo sat at the island and Caroline made him a large cup or Earl Grey. As she handed him the cup she questioned "so what had you wondering the city all night?"

"You coming back into my life."

Caroline rolled her eye as she continued to make Waffles "I wouldn't say I'm back in your life."

"Care I don't think you realized how intertwined your fiancé's family and mine are. His father and mine are best friends and our family businesses are working on a deal so I will soon be working directly with Klaus almost every day."

"Forgive me but I don't understand how that make me back in your life. Yes we will see each other at social events but with a quick hello how are you and we all can go on with a night. I'm no longer Klaus's assistant so I will not be seeing you every day."

"No but I have to work with the man who is engaged to the women I believed I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I never got over you Caroline. I just through myself into school then work."

"Please Enzo do not be so dramatic. In the last five year I know you have had other girlfriends. I'm sorry if my engagement to Klaus came as a surprise to you and stirred up feeling that you didn't deal with when we ended things but you need to find closure and the sooner the better if you are going to be working with Klaus every day. This partnership can be great for both businesses so don't let the past get in the way."

Before Enzo could respond the bedroom door opened and out walked Klaus in just his boxer shorts. "Enzo mate isn't it a bit early for a house visit?" As he walked closer to Caroline he seen that she had made breakfast. "Love you made waffles? They are..."

"Your favorite yeah I know" she cut him off. He pulled her in for a side hug and kissed her on the top of the head. Looking back to Enzo remember he was still here.

"Sorry man I was out for a walk and stopped but for a cup of tea" he rose from his chair and started toward the door. Before he full stepped out he looked back at Caroline and seen the happiest smile on her face he'd ever seen even when she was with him. It was at that moment that he knew he had to leave the past in the past. "Hey, Thanks for the advice Caroline" and with that he closed the door behind him.

Hi All,

Sorry, its been awhile since I've posted anything. A few weeks ago I had my first child and was on bed rest for a bit so I haven't had much time to post or write. I will be trying to post more often from here on out but can't make any promises.


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