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Chapter 35

Caroline woke up in a cold empty bed. She let out a sighed and stretched thinking about the events of last night. Her bedroom door opens up and Bekah flops on her bed. Caroline pulls her blanket up to hide herself. "Are you naked? Did you and Nik sleep together?"

Embarrassed Caroline pulled that blankets up over her head.

"Caroline, I can't believe you. I thought last night was so you could get away from him and figure out your feelings?"

"Yeah, and then you abandoned me and this creep was hitting on me and Klaus came to my rescue and he was so hot and I was drunk and horny. So I might have seduced him a bit not that he needed much convincing."

"So what now? Are you an actual couple or just gonna act like this never happened?"

"I don't think either of us can act like it never happened. But I'm way to afraid of rejection to tell him I'm falling for him. What if he just wants a fuck friend and then I have to go through this entire year devastated from the truth. So what I think I'll do is live this year and pretending to have the life I actually want with him and then when we come close to the year mark I will tell him I've fallen for him that way if he rejects me I don't have to be around him all the time. I mean I have him for a year why not make the best of it and go from there."

"I really hope that my brother opens his eyes and realizes that you are perfect for him. I just will kill him if he breaks your heart."

"It is I who is breaking my own heart. I agreed to this, so if a year is all I have that's all I have."

"Well at least your not in denial about the worse possible outcome" Rebekah joked.

"Why don't I shower and we can go do some retail therapy?"

"Great Idea. I'm gonna go changed too, I showered at Stefan's but I don't have any clothes there."

"Next time you go over bring a bag of your stuff, Klaus has stuff here."

As Caroline were walking through the shopping plaza. "So how was making up with Stefan last night?"

"Caroline we are in love! He gave me this speech begging not to leave him for Matt that he intends to be with me forever so to just give him time to prove to me he is the one for me. Which I already knew so I told him that with a romantic speech as well."

"Oh my gosh Rebekah I'm so happy for you. That damn tabloid picture got to him too?"


"Klaus brought it up last night upset Matt was with us since we said it was girls night, thought I was trying to avoid him."

"And you kinda were."

"Oh I know! I told him that I was more so avoiding my feelings and that I have to try and protected my heart. And like twenty minutes later I seduced him" Caroline said laughing nervously slapping her hand to her face.

"So how was the interaction today?"

"There hasn't been any when he got up and got dressed for work, I pretended to still be sleeping. When he left he kissed me on the forehead it was so sweet."

"So you slept with him and are just ignoring him?"

"No. He is busy with work so he can't talk much today. We've texted a bit, I wished him luck on his meeting and let him know I'd be out with you for a while."

"Ok good."

The girls walked past a wedding dress shop and there eye grew large. "Hey Bek's I know I haven't started planing the wedding yet but will you be my maid of honor?"

Rebekah started crying and hugged Caroline "Of course!"


Stefan had just walked into Klaus's office for lunch which Chris had just set up.

"So how'd the meeting go? Should I expect a call from there lawyer?"

"Yes mate you should. Everything ok?" Klaus question as Stefan looked down at his phone.

"Yeah, Bekah just texted me she is excited because Caroline has asked her to officially to be her maid of honor."

"Well that all works out since your the best man."

"I am?"

"Of course who else would be?"

"Elijah? Kol?"

"Stefan do not be crazy."

"So how's was the rest of your night?"

"Eventful, this dude kept hitting on Caroline. In the cab back to the apartment she was very flirty. When I asked why it to be avoiding me she said that she is afraid of her attraction to me but then she come out of the room in her underwear."

"So you'll did it. So what does that mean for you two now?"

"Not sure we haven't talked about it. I'm just gonna see where this goes where she wants to take it. We have a year to figure it out."

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