Girl Time

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Chapter 36

Rebekah and Caroline were now back at their apartment, Bekah was sitting at the counter with her laptop looking up wedding themes and color schemes while Caroline made them dinner. "So is Klaus spending the night again?"

"No. He is really tired so he is just going back to your parents place and chill for the night."

"And whose idea was that?"

"Mine and before you stay that I am avoiding him your not wrong but also we have had a lot of late nights and I don't need to deal with a grumpy Klaus I know what that is like and no thank you" Caroline laughed then added "plus i'm enjoying our time together, i've missed you."

"Is this a bad time to tell you that Stefan is on his way?"

Caroline rolled her eyes "if I didn't think that he'd be here tonight I wouldn't have bought enough dinner for the three of us."

"Your the best Care."

Caroline continued to make the their food while Bekah shouted out color ideas, none of which Caroline really liked. "Leather and Lace" Stefan through out as he walked through the door and joining the girls in the kitchen.

As she plated the food Caroline let out a large laugh "could you imagine Ester's if I told her that was our theme?"

"I would give you my wedding fund if you do it" Rebekah joked.

Caroline placed plates of Garlic chicken and mixed Veggies in front of the couple before grabbing herself a plate and joining them at the table. "Wow Caroline this is looks amazing, Klaus will be a well taken Care of man once y'all life together."

"I would hold back the complements til after you taste it" Caroline jokes.

"And don't expect much from me I grew up rich and as Ester Mikaelson will tell you we do not cook" Rebekah jokingly warned Stefan.

Stefan takes a picture of his meal before he digs in. They all finish dinner and Rebekah and Stefan loads the dishwasher and clean up the dinner mess as a thanks to Caroline for making an marvelous meal. The girls are on the living room floor with some of Rebekah's new designs talking about what the photo shoot for the catalog should look like. Stefan is chilling on the couch and decided to check in with Klaus via text.

STEFAN: Hey man what you up to this Friday evening?

KLAUS: Nothing much just had some pizza with Kol now catching up on some work emails.

STEFAN: Lame. Just had an amazing meal.

KLAUS: Where did you go? I know you cant cook

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KLAUS: Where did you go? I know you cant cook.

STEFAN: Haha jokes on you while your eating pizza with lame ass Kol I had dinner with Bekz and Caroline who prepared our dinner.

KLAUS: Yeah, your night is definitely better then mine. How does she look?

STEFAN: You mean does she look full of regret after sleeping with you last night?

KLAUS: Yeah.

STEFAN: Nah man she seems fine. Bekz and her are working on the catalog.

"Stefan who you talking to this late?" Rebekah asks.

"Klaus he is bored your parents are out of town so its just him and Kol at the house."

"Poor guy stuck with Kol. Anyway you ready to go to bed?"

Its been about twenty minutes since everyone when to their room and Rebekah and Stefan are trying to break the walls down. No longer being able to hear their loud moan and groans she changes grabs a tote bag and fills it with some over night belonging and leaves the couple alone.

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