A Car Ride

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Caroline exited the bathroom with her hair and make-up done. She was in leggings and a t-shirt as she left the room she noticed that Klaus was in her living room with a young man. She wandered over to the two. "Ah Caroline love, this is my new assistant Chris" He introduced. "My replacement" Caroline joked as she shook Chris's hand. "No one can replace you where it counts" Klaus reminded her kissing her forehead. "So Chris is going to have your clothes to my family home and over seen the Goodwill drivers take everything to the donation center." 

"Awesome! Thank you so much Chris." Klaus walked Chris to the door.

"Alright love im going to jump in the shower and we can get going" Klaus made Caroline aware. Caroline was in her bedroom she had just finished applying lotion and was about to put on her dress. Klaus creeped into the room and gently ran his index finger slowly up her thigh. She inhaled deeply and leaned her head back so it was resting on his bare damp chest. "We need to finish getting ready" Caroline spoke in slow drawn out words trying not to moan at the pleasure his touch was bring her. "Or we can stay here and put this bed to use before it goes" Klaus counter kissing her neck softly. "And risk being murdered by your sister? I think not." She reluctantly torn herself from his embrace and quickly slid into her dress, while he quickly through on his tux. Klaus assisted Caroline with her zipper slowly while standing closer to her then necessary.  She turned around and tied his bow tie smiled and pressed her lips to his. He pulled her closer to him deepening the kiss. Caroline pulled back breathless taking his hand in her.

Once the couple was in the back of the town car Klaus leaned over to Caroline and asked her "What was that for?" Her eyes light up and her checks reddened "Thank you for helping me get everything together with my apartment also I wanted to kiss you."

"Is that so?"

"It is!"

He sighed "Caroline what is it that you do to me? I just want to spend all day everyday with you."

"And you have" She joked.

"True but tomorrow I will return to the office."

"So soon?"

"Yes love, the office can only survive so long without me. I need to get back and establish a few deal proposals before I take time away from the wedding and the honeymoon."

"We are going on a honeymoon?"

"Of course we are."

"I was assuming since this is what it is that we would not."

"You deserve a beautiful two-week vacation."

"Two weeks! Where will we be going?"

"That my curious woman is a surprise." Caroline grins and shakes her head. A few moments later they pull up to The Ritz- Carlton where the Union of Women Gala is being held.

Camera lights were flashing everywhere "this is our first public event as us" Klaus informed Caroline with a smile. "Hopefully they'll believe it." The driver opened the door and Klaus stepped out of the car holding his hand out to assist Caroline out of the car.

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