You Want to be With Me?

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Chapter 41

Klaus woke up got ready for work before he walked out the door he knocked on her door there was no answer. He lightly opened the door to find she was sleeping, he lightly kissed her on the head and left for work.

Caroline spent the most of the day at the new house taking photos then she went to developed the photos at NYU where she will be working on her arts in the fall. She didn't arrive home until around 8pm. When she walked into the apartment she found the kitchen filled with smoke. Klaus was at the open window trying to fan it our of the apartment. "What happened? Are you ok?" she asked worried as she hastily walked into the apartment.

"Yes love I'm fine I was just trying to make dinner and I burnt it."

"I though you didn't know how to cook."

"I don't hens the burning."

Caroline let out a happy giggle she placed her photos down on the counter and took her cell out and order them their favorite Chinese place.

"Nik come here and close the window I ordered us food bow come sit with me."

He put the destroyed pan in the sink and flopped down on the couch next to her. She immediately put her feet over his lap and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"What sparked his need to make dinner?"

"I'm just trying to show you I'm worthy of a real chance. I don't want you to think that running away with Enzo is a real option."

Caroline shifted herself to straddle him and held his head in her hand so he was looking into her eyes.

"I know you are and even if I didn't want to be with you, if I didn't agree to this I would never run away or be with Enzo again he lied to me and made me look like a fool."

"You want to be with me?"

"Thats what I just said wasn't it?"

Klaus kiss her so passionately she felt it in her bones. A buzz came over the intercom "Miss Forbes you have food delivery. Would you like me to send them up?"

"No no Charles I'll come down for it."

"Yes of course Mr.Mikaelson."

When Klaus returned with the food the couple ate at the island.

"Why for you always go down for the deliveries?"


"From the delivery boy?"

"You never know who paid him to get the number of your flat. Your in a building with security for a reason."

"Well Bekz picked this place so" Caroline informed him jokingly.

"Like it or not being with me brings the public eye and crazy people wanting to know about the woman I've chosen to spend my life with."

"I don't like it but I guess I'll have to learn how to deal with it" she said with a shy smile.

"i'm sorry being with me comes with all this craziness."

"Your worth it."

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