Kissing in Cars

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Chapter 43

Klaus pulled into the parking garage and into the spot he was instructed too, took out his phone and sent a text

I'm here

About 5 minutes later Caroline came walking out of the elevator toward his car. She had a long sweater on that went down to her knees giving the illusion that she had nothing else on. A small gust of wind blew open the sweater reveling she had on a thin night gown. She slide into the passenger seat "miss me?"

"you know I have. So how is it seeing your mother? I know you've been missing her?"

"Its really good to have her here.I was nervous since she didn't seem so happy when she found out about us. She said she can tell you make me happy, but she still wants to have a one on one chat with you."

"I'd be more then happy sit down with her."

"She can't ever know how this started. She would think less of you if she knew you bought my hand to break the law. I need her to love you."

"Ok love, why is this all of a sudden super important to you?"

"Because we are really together now and she compares any one I even think about dating too Enzo and I want her to see that you are better for me the him."

Klaus made an annoyed face.

"She doesn't know about the aggressive drunk Enzo that man handled me." After hearing this Klaus's face relaxed.

"You think I'm better for you then him? He was your high school love and obviously he still has feelings for you."

"This think with him is not about me. Lorenzo St.John can't lose this is about his ego, you probably know that more then anyone. I want to be with you Nik, you make me happy."

"I want to be with you too Caroline , I will do everything to make you happy" he confessed looking deep into her eyes then leaning in to kiss her lightly and passionately. The light kiss turned heavy and hungry. Caroline kissed down his neck and back up toward his ear as her hand glided to his manhood. "Take these off and meet me in the back seat" she whispered.

Klaus sat in the back with no pants on waiting for Caroline she left the passenger side and walked toward the back of the car and got in. "Slide into the middle of the seat" she instructed once there she started kissed his neck and lightly biting on him while her hand stroked his manhood. Once he was standing at attention she straddled him and took his lips in hers. She slowly lowered herself onto him. Once she had taken all of him she let a deep breath she wasn't aware that she was holding in. Klaus's hands made there way to her hips. She slowly started rocking back and forth. The car was heating up quickly so she removed the sweater. Klaus ran his hands up her back as she continued rocking against him. His lips were all over her and it was driving her crazy, she pulled the night gown over her head and before Klaus was a goddess. "I do not deserve you" he confessed before taking her nipple into his mouth. This action sent a surge of pleasure through Caroline's body. She lifted herself partial off of him before dropping down back on him causing Klaus to let out a deep growl. She continuously bounced upon him slowly increasing her speed pulling him closer to his release as he was starting to lose control and held tight on to her back. She reached her climax before he did moaning out his name loudly it seemed to echo through the foggy car. This verbal expression of passion was enough to send him over the edge and with a grunt and body quiver he too reached his climax. After a few deep breaths Klaus kissed her aggressively "that was the sexiest thing I've ever heard."

Caroline slid her night gown back over her body and slowly pulled herself off of Klaus cuddled next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I could stay like this with you forever" Klaus confessed with a kiss to her forehead.

"You are only saying that because I've ridden you into exhaustion wait till we have out first fight."

"I have a feeling your even more ravishing when your angry."

"Wait till you see what I can do when we aren't in such a limited space."

"Who knew that just behind my office doors sat a secret sexy vixen?"

Caroline laughed at him and kissed his cheek the couple sat in the back of the car talking about how crazy the next few weeks are going to be, and wondering if INS will make the presents at the wedding known. But mainly wishing they never had to leave the protective bubble they created in the back seat of Klaus's car. 

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