Honeymoon Part 1

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Chapter 65

"I pray you like the location I've selected, I am aware it might not be where you pictured your honeymoon to be. This resort is just so different from the city, we are close to so many luxurious experiences but we'll be staying in this gorgeous villa built into the forest" Klaus said holding Caroline from behind in a loving embrace while standing on the deck looking up at the beautiful structure they would call home for the next few weeks. "Very intimate. No one will hear my screams." Klaus chuckled at Caroline's comment "Love if I wanted to murder you I could have done that back home in New York" he joked as she pulled away slowly turning to look at him. Caroline made eye contact with Klaus while walking backward to the villa. "Silly husband I meant the screams that you will pull from my mouth while we make sweet, passionate and maybe even a little dirty love all over the place."

Klaus stood in the same spot with him mouth hanging open shocked and excited. Still maintaining eye contact with him Caroline quirked her right eyebrow at him letting out a seductive giggle before turning around and running inside. Klaus took a few deep breaths before making his way to the villa, he wasn't sure why he was nervous. Though the stories that had traveled around the city of him being a man whore were very exaggerated he had been with many women, he had already had sex with Caroline a few time. Maybe it was the look in her eyes a she walked away from him making him well aware that she would be in full control, one things most people don't realize but really should about Klaus is that he is a control freak in all aspects of his life.

When Klaus entered the villa he heard soft smooth jazz coming from the master bedroom on the second floor. He removed his shoes and shirt before he climbed the staircase. Slowly opening the door he found the master bedroom empty with the music emanating from the attached en suite. Klaus paused for a few seconds before making his way in to the bathroom. His eye widen and filled with lust as he gazed upon Caroline sitting in on the ledge of the fill bubble bath in a almost see through white lace bar and pantie set. 

When the couple eyes connected she rose from the ledge walking slowly to him allowing him to take in the lack of clothing she had on. Once she reached him her hands slow slid up his bare chest leaving goose bums in their wake. "Why so dressed up for the bath my love?" Klaus questioned as he ran his hand up and down her bare thigh. "Oh no that is filled with scolding water wont be ready for us for a while." Caroline then unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans then proceeded to pull them down tortuously slow before adding "I figured we can get really dirty in there" while motioning to the bed "and the nice and clean in here" while nodding to the bath behind her. Klaus did not respond with words but with action, he stepped out of his pants swiftly lifted Caroline in the air and carried her to the bed.


Hello All,

So this part of the honeymoon is pretty tame but the next 2 part are going to get steamier so if you don't want to read  the sexual content in the next few chapter please avoid reading what will be in bold.

Again I want to thank everyone for being patent with me while I update at random times, my life is crazy at the moment and don't have much time to write right now.

                                                         - J. Chamberlain    

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