The Last Night in the Suite

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Chapter 10

The rest of the party went well Klaus and Caroline where not in the car on their way back to Klaus's Penthouse suite. "You seem distant where is your head at?" Caroline questioned.  "

I'm just thinking it this is a mistake."

"oh" Caroline said sadly looking out the window as a tear rolled down her face. A small sniffle informed Klaus that she was crying. He pulled the car over and gently guided her face to see his. "Love, why are you crying?" She did not answer she just whipped away her tears and shock her head trying to reassure him she was fine. "Caroline please don't think that I feel you are a mistake I am just very upset and ashamed in the manner my mother treated you."

"Klaus its fine honestly, I can take it. What I can't do is go through with this if every time something doesn't go our way you start thing this was a mistake I'm all in and I need to know you are too."

"Of course Caroline I'll never second guess us again" Klaus apologized with a smile. Caroline kissed his check "good now let's go home I'm tired."

"I thought you didn't like the penthouse" Klaus joked.

"I don't but I want to get out of this dress."

"You can take it off any time you want sweetheart" Klaus flirted. She blushed, smiled and went back to looking out the window.

As they entered the suite Klaus flopped down on the couch turning on HGTV, Caroline went to kitchen, five minutes later she returned with two cups of tea in hand. Placing a cup in front of Klaus. He kissed her on the check and pulled her in to a cuddle 'thanks for the tea, love."

"So your ex- girlfriend seems high maintenance."

"Yeah well I was young and dumb."

"And into red heads" Caroline joked. "And you have got a thing for British billionaires" Klaus rerouted embellishing his accent. "I should have known he would be there tonight, Rebekah said that her family knew the St. Johns."

"Yeah his father and mine are best friends, Since Enzo and I were only a few years apart we competed over almost everything until I went to college and he went to Mystic Falls."

"I wish he never would have came to Mystic Falls."

"Love, tell me why you are so hurt, what did he do?"

"When we started college he started to get distance which I was ok with, I wanted to get to know myself away from my parental influences. We were at a party thrown by a guy Rebekah was hooking up with."

"Eww that's my little sister I don't want to hear that." Caroline giggled skootched a little closer to Klaus and continued. "I was stand at near a wall people watching and a guy came over to me told me I was pretty, Enzo seen the guy talk to me and came over freaking out and punched the guy in the face. I was so embarrassed I turned to leave and Enzo grabbed my arm really tightly that he actually bruised my arm. I pushed him away and went back to my dorm, the next day he showed up crying telling me how he was drunk and he didn't mean it. He pulls out this engagement ring and asked me to marry him. I honesty didn't want to say yes but I was still scared from the night before. We were engaged for about two weeks and I only really saw him in classes. I finally agree to go see a movie with him, we started to drive up to this huge house he didn't say a word, He introduced me to his family and explained to me how the last three years of my live were a lie. His mother told me that I was going to disgrace her family and she spat on me. Enzo just sat there he said nothing. So I left and I was scared and I wanted to get away from it all and Rebekah had left school to fallow her dreams I decided to visit and I never went back."

Klaus pulled her even closer kissed the top of her head. "No matter what happens I will never ever let someone treat you like you don't matter."

They sat in each other's arms silently until Caroline "I'll guess I'll have to get use to sleeping in someone's arms."

"Whose arms will you be sleeping in?"

"When we go to my family home you will be sharing a room with my dear sister."

"Oh that's easy I'm use to sharing a bed with Bekah."

"Would you look at that" Klaus pointed out the transformation in a home remodel they'd been watching in the tv. "So if you weren't a Mikaelson billionaire would be an architect?"

"No no I'd be a carpenter. It is often the architect eyes that build a new home but a carpenter's hand that fixes a broken one."

"You surprise me. You're such a kind, honest man." A ring came at the door. "I'll get it" Klaus stood and offered "I'll get us more tea and maybe whip up a desert?" Caroline offered with her left eye brow raised. "Sound perfect love" Klaus agreed before kissed her on the check and turning toward the door.

     "Tyler what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you man to man."



"Oh you mean my fiancée?"

"For now."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm here to make you aware that I'm in love her I've been in love with her my entire life."

"Listen Tyler I'm not going to compete for her. She is a human being a person with feelings. I love her and so when you get the chance tell her how you feel and if she wants you then so be it as long as she happy. And when she tells you she doesn't want you'll stay the hell away from my wife."

Caroline upset that this pompous asshole things he can snap his fingers and that she will just be his just like he did in high school. Thinking on her feet to find a way to prove to him that she was not his and never would be and also making him a little jealous of Klaus. She quickly unzipped her dress leaving herself in her matching white lace underwear bra set she took strawberries and chocolates into the living room where the boys were. Pretending to be surprised that Tyler was there "Nik babe are you ready for bed I've got that something sweet you asked for." Putting the food on the corner table and slightly standing behind Klaus to hide herself. "Ty what are you doing here?"

"I hadn't seen you in a while and I figured I stop by."

"Well as kind as that was Its really rude to just drop by at this time of the night. Plus I've been staring at my fiancé in the in the suit look extremely sexy and its now our time so Nik if you'd show him the door please." As Klaus walked Tyler to the door loosening his tie he questioned "Did that answer your question?"

"Yeah I get it."

Klaus slowly walked back into the stop in front of Caroline. He lightly ran his pointer and index finger up and down her arm. "Sexy fiancé hun?" Klaus questioned in a whisper. "Stay the hell away from my wife." Caroline answered. Without any hesitation Klaus lips slammed into hers and his hand rushed over her almost naked body. Caroline scrambled with the buttons on his shirt. She ripped his shirt from his body. He brought them to lay on the couch where they made out for a long while. She sat up quickly

"Nik as much as I want this as I want to feel you, to touch you. We shouldn't at least not now. This relationship has to be strong so not feeling ruin this for you. Once our friendship is forged then maybe we can revisit the idea of sex."

"Caroline you are my best friend" Klaus joke kissing her again. "I know you right but you're just so tempting." With that another ring of the doorbell came. "I'll get in"

"Are you sure you're in your underwear."

"Yeah and you have made a pants tent" she joked.

As Caroline opened the door she saw the evil red head  "Is Niklaus here?" Aurora questioned. "Yes but as you can see" Caroline opened the door to show her sexy underwear "we are in the middle of something." With that Caroline slammed the door in her face. Klaus looked at her with a wide smile "It's too late to deal with her kindly."

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