The Dress

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Chapter 42

Caroline and Bekah were at the dress boutique waiting for the rest of the girls to arrive. "Why do you look like you have a secret?" Rebekah asked nudging Caroline.

"Your brother and I are together."

"I know that why we are her picking out your wedding dress." Caroline was about to tell her about Klaus's confession and declaration of feelings when the rest of the group showed up. The consultant gave everyone a glass of champagne and got started with the mothers dresses Who both go black sleek gowns. Liz receiving glares from Ester as she worried about price.Caroline desperately wanted to offer to pay for her mother but she knew t would not be accepted and her mother would be offended. The bridesmaids were next and after trying on many dresses the girls were finally bullied into getting Rebekah's and Katharine's favorite which was ok with Caroline because she liked them best as well. The dressed where long and flowy strapless started out light blue and then faded to purple. 

Caroline already had a reception dress it was her mother dress that they dipped the bottom in purple and blue

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Caroline already had a reception dress it was her mother dress that they dipped the bottom in purple and blue. 

Now she just needed to pick out the ceremony dress

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Now she just needed to pick out the ceremony dress. She tried on many and each one either one of the mother did not like the dress, some of they hated equally. When Bekah saw her in this white lace tank topped gown with a flowing skirt and she knew that this was the gown that Caroline would marry her brother in. 

She couldn't wait til Klaus see her maybe it will make him open his eyes and see that Caroline is meant for him

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She couldn't wait til Klaus see her maybe it will make him open his eyes and see that Caroline is meant for him. As this thought crossed her mind what Caroline said to her earlier hit her. "OH OH MY GOD!" Everyone looked at her shocked with the exception of Caroline she knew what Rebekah was be dramatic about. "Sorry I'm just so excited my best friend and brother are in love."

All the girls were at a bar eating wings and having some beers when their phones started going off. They all seen a social media post of them leaving the bridal store with a caption that read Niklaus Mikaelson's bride to be making final touches on wedding details 3 weeks before wedding.

"Wow Care we are in the tabloids" April said.

"Yeah" Caroline responded uncomfortably.

"How Exciting" April squabbled.

"How idiotic." April made a sad face at Carolines comment.

"No not you Ap just the fact that people care what I'm doing. I'm no one special." The group resumed their chit chat as Caroline's phone buzzed.

Txt Conversation 

Klaus: My girlfriend looks very pretty today. These 6 days are going to go fast right?

Caroline: Fiancee and how do you know what I look like I was gone before you were up?


Caroline: Are you having me fallowed?

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Caroline: Are you having me fallowed?

Klaus: Of course not. Photo on some website,it keeps getting sent to me on Instagram.

Caroline: Oh Ok, well thank you then.

Klaus: Your more then welcome love. Do you have to stay at Bekah's tonight?

Caroline: If I stay home where will you sleep? Stefan will still have to be at our place his will be filled with girls.

Klaus: In your room with you. I'll keep my hands to myself I promise. :}

"Caroline who are you talking too?"

"Your brother. He begging me to spend the night home, says 6 days apart is too much."

Rebekah pulled out her phone and started typing away while the girls teased Caroline about Klaus. "Men always get a bit clingy before women go to the bachelorette party, just want to remind you whats back at home for you" Liz said. "Thats kind of messed up" Bonnie said. "Statistically bachelorette parties are more crazy and more crimes are committed then bachelor parties" Liz informed the girls. Again Caroline's phone went off again.

Klaus: You told on me?

Caroline: No....... lol

Klaus: We should play poker, you are a terrible lair. What time will you be home tonight?

Caroline: I can't leave her with my mom and friends.

Klaus: There her friends too and she loves your mother.

Caroline: I gotta go the girls want to do shot. I'll talk to you later.

Klaus put his phone down on his desk and went back to reading through the financial request that he needed to approve. Stefan walked into his office a few minutes later. "So you finally admitted your feelings to care?" Klaus looked at him inquisitive.

"Bekah" they both said in unison with a chuckle.

"Yes and now your girlfriend wants to take mine away for 6 days."

"Well man I don't get to see Bekah for 6 days either."

"Stefan but that does not affect me directly so I don't care" Klaus joked.

"Nah man I get it you two just became real and how she is going away partying for days I wouldn't like that either."

"Yeah and she is going with my sister and those two are hell in heels when they are drunk."

"Thanks man now I'm nervous."

It was a little after midnight Klaus was laying in Caroline's bed trying to sleep a task he found more difficult then he'd imagined, everything smelled like her it was intoxicating. She said that she would talk to him later but he hadn't hear from her, he figure since that were at the bar in the early afternoon she had passed out ours ago. It was now around one am and he still could not sleep. He picked his phone up to play a brain game to put his mind at ease.

Sneak out to see me?

Was the text he stared out for about ten minutes debating if he should go. He slowly got up from the bed put on a t-shirt and sweat pants sneaked out of the apartment and drove off into the night.

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