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Chapter 57

Rebekah flopped on the bed "soooo?"

"So what?"

"Come on Care tell me about the big make up with Nik?"

"At lunch with Matt he gave me some tough love telling me that Klaus is not Enzo and I need to get my head out of my ass so to speak so I went home to make up with him. Then I went to my room I found him napping on the bed so I rubbed him back to wake him and when he opens his eyes to look at me he yells I LOVE YOU. then he went on with this speech and then I told him I loved him. He took me to the house he finished it and oh my gosh Bekz is it beautiful, then we went back to the apartment and packed for the honeymoon."

"Why didnt you stay at the new house?"

"Klaus wanted us to stay there for the first time as husband and wife. OH Oh did I tell you this afternoon Aurora came to the apartment thinking we hadn't made up and I was in my room just waking up from a nap."

"NO what did she want?"

"Asked him if the wedding was still happening and I can't handle the life style blah blah. He said that of course it was and that i was staying at your parents house for convenience to finish wedding stuff. Then she said how lonely the apartment must be and offered to keep him company"

"Does she not realize that she is married?"

"Right I flew out of the bedroom telling her how he is not lonely and said that I might just inform her husband how you spent her morning pathetically throwing herself at his brother."

"Damn Care you letting that bitch know hes your man."

Caroline smiles mischievous, the door opened and Ester popped her head in "light out ladies we leave for the hotel at 6 am."

"Why didn't we stay there tonight?" Caroline asked Bekah after Ester closed the door.

"Mother was worried that people were going to get drunk. I don't think she believed I could host a classy affair." Both of the girls look at each other raised their eyebrows and then started laughing before Rebekah left to her room to sleep.

Klaus was laying in the bed in Caroline room while Stefan was sitting on the chair in the corner with his feet resting on the bed. "Man this sucks, I just got her back and now she is gone again."

"Dude I know like a week after we started dating Bekz moved in. I haven't been in our apartment alone since, by the way man thanks for letting me crash here."

"Not a problem bro. I needed someone to stop me from sneaking into my parents house."

"Fuck that man lets both sneak into that house."

"Stefan don't even joke I have like no self control right now. Caroline wants to wait for the honeymoon which is fine but man has that women been teasing me for the last two days. I might end up skipping the reception and go the honeymoon right after we say I do."

Stefan let out a laugh before wishing Klaus a goodnight and going to sleep. Klaus was looking at the pictures of Caroline in his phone when he received a text message from Caroline.

I just thought about you. If you know what I mean. ;)

Women you are killing me.

Wait till tomorrow night. You haven't seen anything yet.

I'm excited and nervous,honestly Caroline I just cant wait to marry you and spent three weeks just the two of us.

That so sweet, I cant wait to be your wife. Its crazy to think how we started and where we are now I wouldn't change it for the world. Love you, see you tomorrow!

Love you too Babe!

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