Rehearsal Dinner Part 2

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Chapter 56

The car ride was quiet both lost in their thoughts. "Nik?"

"Yes love?"

"What are we going to do about the people from INS? We haven't really been learning everything about each other."

"Lets not worry about that tonight my love, we can figure it all out after the honeymoon."

They pulled up to the house and are escorted into the backyard. When the couple entered everyone in attendance turned and gazed and the couple and started clapping. Caroline got a bit shy and hide her face in Klaus's arm. When she finally looked up she had seen that the backyard was decorated just like the church will be tomorrow. Rebekah got up to the makeshift alter "Ok everyone lets get this show on the road so we can get a good night sleep for tomorrow. So everyone please line up in this order at the end of the aisle. Finn and Sage, Matthew and April, then Kol and Bonnie, after them it will be Elijah and Kathrine after that will be the Best man and Maid of Honor Stefan and myself and finally the bride Caroline and Mikael. Once the music starts that will be Klaus's queue to walk down escorting the mothers of the bride and groom. Once they are seated and Klaus is standing at aisle Finn and Sage will start walking up once they are two-thirds of the way up the next couple with start walking. Once you reach the end you will line up outward in so that I am standing next to Caroline and Stefan is next to Klaus."

They did a practice run and all went well with the exception of Mikael walk way too fast and practically dragging Caroline up the aisle. "Father you are going to need to walk slower tomorrow, she will be in a large dress and heel and we do not want her to fall."

"I'm just so excited Klaus found someone who is willing marry him I want to get her down the aisle before she changes her mind" Mikael joked.

After everyone made there way to the alter Rebekah handed things over to the officiant.

"Mr. Mikaelson you will place Ms. Forbes hand in your sons'. Then the beautiful couple will turn to me, I will speak about marriage they couple with resight their vow, the rings with be exchanged. Then I will turn the couple to the guest and announce them as husband and wife for the first time and then they will seal it with a kiss." Right after he said that Klaus grabbed Caroline a laid a big kiss her. "I meant tomorrow Mr. Mikaelson" the officiant said.

"I know I just really like to practice that part."

"I can see why" he replied making everyone laugh.

They all shared a nice meal and then Esther closed evening. Klaus carried Caroline's overnight bag up to his room. He placed it on the sitting chair. "sixteen year old me is losing is mind right now" he informed Caroline as she laid on his bed.

"Why is that."

"Sexy blonde in my bed, that all he wanted in life."

"You never, in your room?"

"Nope at least not with anyone other then myself, my mother never let girls on the second floor, I guess have raising Finn and Elijah through puberty she got smart."

"Oh well he is gonna go crazy once he hears this."

"Whats that?"

Caroline pulled him onto the bed with her, straddled herself on top of him and leaned down to whisper into his ear "during our little time apart while I was staying here I spent every night in your room and well one night when I really missed you I might have touched myself to the though of you right here in this bed."

Klaus throat dried and is eyes seemed to dilated. He leaned up to try and plant a kiss on Caroline lips but she pulled away before he could. "Sorry babe not now we said we'd wait till the honeymoon."

"Yeah, but Caroline think about young Nik just make his dreams come true." Before she could reply Bekah knocked on the door poked her head in with her eyes closed and said "Nik moms on her way up you'd better get going before she kills you." Klaus gave Caroline a quick kiss and was gone. 

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