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Chapter 12    

Klaus and Kol left Caroline and Rebekah at a café in the mall while they dropped off their suites to the dry cleaners.

"So this is really gonna happen with you and Care?"

"Well we are engaged Kol what did you think? It's some kind of joke?"

"Well you haven't had a serious lady since Aurora, so it's hard to believe that you are engaged. After experiencing you guys as a couple over the last two day I believe it."

"How so?"

"From what I seen this morning you and Caroline had an active night last night" Kol pried.

"Not as active as you'd think."

"No? why not whisky dick?"

"Nope, Caroline and I haven't" Klaus said raising his eyebrows at his brother informing of what he meant.

"Like in a while, keeping is fresh for the wedding night?"

"No Kol like as in ever."

"WHAT? Why not?"

"At first we were only spending time as friends and when we got romantic she was very weary of my past."

"Oh because you are a huge man whore" Kol reminded.

"yeah Kol because of that. Now that we are engaged we decided to wait till the wedding night."

"Sorry if I find that hard to believe when I see the reveling underwear she was wearing last night."

"Just because we don't have sex doesn't mean we are not physical. Her lips are glorious" Klaus adding speaking of her kisses knowing that Kol would believe he was speaking of something else and changed the subject.

"So how did Caroline handle Aurora and at that drama?"

"Really well, Aurora actually stopped by our place last night looking for me."

"what did she want?"

"Don't know Caroline answered the door, she asked if I was busy Caroline who was still only in her underwear opened the more to show it to Aurora and said we are kinda in the middle of something and slammed the door in her face" Klaus informed his brother Proudly.

"Finally a woman in your life who isn't going to let Aurora push her out."

Klaus and Kol both stopped talking as they sat down at the table joining Caroline and Rebekah, Klaus kissing Caroline check greeting his wife to be. "What are you ladies gossiping about?" Klaus questioned.

"Caroline was telling me how Tyler stopped by last night to challenge you for her love" Bekah answered.

"Wait Caroline's heart is still on the market?" Kol questioned.

"No it is not" Caroline answered taking Klaus's hand in hers. "Let's go get your dresses, shall we?"

Caroline tried on a few dresses before stopping at this beautiful green dress, however Bekah is wearing a green dress so she decided to continue looking. She tried on about three more dress not really excite about any of them. She looked over to Klaus who was playing on his phone. "You're supposed to be helping me. How about this one?" She questioned him forcing him to look at her in a long maroon dress. "You look ravishing in that and in the previous ones before as well, love" he responded with his charming smile. Caroline turned around checking herself out in the dress with a simple questions "Yeah? Okay, this is the one."

"Wonderful! You get changed and I will pay for the dress" Klaus said with excitement over finally being able to leave the store. They all walked over to the dry cleaner to pick up Klaus and Kol's Tuxedos. The group said their goodbyes and went their separate ways till this evening.

Sorry for the shirt chapter or that I haven't been posting a lot lately. I have a lot going on in my personal life. Hopefully it will all slow down soon so I have more time to write. I want to thank you all for the support and for reading my work!


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