Klaus 101

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Chapter 27

When she reached Klaus's floor she was surprised to find that she had arrived before him. Chris looked at Caroline "Your here!"

"Yeah I told you I'd come and teach all things Klaus."

"Great I really appreciate this Caroline"

" Being his receptionist is actually an assistant job. First thing you'll want to know is that on time he calls you when its not office hours and has you preform some weird task write down your time, HR will make sure you get paid. You'll be in charge of ordering his lunch, he will not tell you what he wants unless he is having a specific craving. He always gets lunch from Delany's around the corner normally order him chicken marinara unless he is wearing a white shirt because he will stain it, order him steak medium rare with roasted potatoes. They have a direct bill so no need to worry about the method of payment billing department will handle that."

"Got it" Chris said now fallowing Caroline into Klaus's office.

"When he has a meeting with someone you'll need to do a bit of social media stalking on them. Find out if there was any big events that happened in the last two weeks such as weddings, child getting accepted into college or child wining High School or college sporting event. Nothing to personal that makes it obvious that he was looking the person up."

"That is kinda creepy."

"Oh very but we want him to seem he is caring and compassionate."

"Helps ease the blow when they sell their company for less then desired?" Chris questioned.

"Something like that. Lastly when he has a meeting here in the office at the large table you will have a copy of the contract, note pad, pen, pencil for each person in the meeting. Once all the greeting are done and everyone has taken a seat you will pour every person in the room a glass of water."

As Caroline was explaining the last part Klaus walked into the room. "Thank you so much Caroline for the help"Chris thanked her as he was leaving the couple alone. As his hand touched the handle Klaus call "Chris."

"Yes Sir?"

"Its Miss Forbes." Chris's face turned red with embarrassment " of course Sir."

"Caroline is fine" she informed the boys, slapping Kalus after Chris was out of the room. "That was rude" she scolded him. "You are going to be my wife and should be talked to with respect."

"Calling me by my first name is not disrespectful. Its all in the tone plus I've given him permission to call me Caroline. I want him to know I'm a friendly face, working for you can be a bit scary and overwhelming."

"I understand that love, but how silly will it be if he calls me Mr. Mikaelson and he refers to you as Caroline?"

"Well we are not married yet so until then I am Caroline" she informed him with a serious tone and joking smile.

"Why do you always define me?"

"Because I can. Anyway I'm gonna head out got to meet up with Bekah work on re-branding ideas."

Klaus grabbed her hand and pulled her into a friendly embrace "Stay for lunch?"

"I can't I have work to do and so do you. I'll see you tomorrow for dinner."

"I'll be over a bit later to drop off some stuff so I don't need to sneak out of the apartment in pajamas."

"Till then" Caroline said with a seductive voice and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. As she turned to leave Ester walked into the office. Caroline pasted her on her way out with a smile greeting her "Mrs. Mikaelson" Who did not knowledge Carolines presents, causing Klaus to roll his eyes and sigh.

Hey everyone sorry it has been so long since i have posted life has been crazy. I am a new mom, got a promotion at work which demands a lot more from me, plus i've been sick as a dog. Things seem to be settling in to place so hopefully I will be more consistent with my posts. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

- Cchulie

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