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Chapter 32

"Nik go home."

"I've upset her?" Klaus questioned with a heartbroken look on his face.

"No, but she is upset. Our life, our family is a lot for someone to take on. She and I are gonna go out for a girls night, she need to decompress from all of this." He nodded his head understandingly. He walked to her room to bid her a good night. When he entered the room she was standing in front of her closet with wet hair and in a pink fuzzy robe. "Caroline" he whispered.


"I'm sorry if I've upset you or did something to stress you out, it was not my intention." She grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit on the bed with her. "You did not do anything. I'm just a bit overwhelmed and want to dance it off with my best friend." He brushed a strand of damp hair behind her cheek "Have a great time love. If you get board of my dreadful sister you know where to find me." She leaned in to his hand leaving a chased kiss on his palm "don't wait up" she informed him a smile as she sprung off the bed continued looking for a outfit for the night.

Caroline wore her hair in loose wavy curls a light pink strapless dress that clung to her body and a cropped leather jacket to bad girl vibe to her outfit.

Caroline wore her hair in loose wavy curls a light pink strapless dress that clung to her body and a cropped leather jacket to bad girl vibe to her outfit

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She walked into the kitchen meeting Rebekah who was also wear a strapless kind tight dress hers however was light blue.

 She walked into the kitchen meeting Rebekah who was also wear a strapless kind tight dress hers however was light blue

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"Is Stefan gonna be ok with you going out in that?"

"Nik will not approve of your outfit either."

"There is a big difference between our relationships" Caroline reminded her with a sorrow filled face.

"Oh Caroline I am very concerned about your heart."

"It's my own fault I should have thought about it more before agreeing to it, also shouldn't have kissed him when we were alone when there was no one to fool but myself. Everything was much easier when he was a womanizing rich boy."

Rebekah hugged her tightly "let's go get some drinks and keep your mind off of this mess for the night."

As Caroline opened the door to exit the apartment Matt stood ready to knock on their door. "Well don't you ladies look leggie!"

"Are you inferring that our dresses are too short Matthew?" Rebekah questioned.

"Of course not you both are grown women who can express themselves however you wish but I must insist I escort you ladies in case anyone gets the wrong idea."

The Trio pulled up to Novu where they were having dinner before heading to the club. Matt stood between the girls with his hand protectively on their backs walking into the restaurant past the paparazzi snapping photo and screaming questions.

Caroline when is the wedding?

Rebekah who's the mystery man?

"Miss Mikaelson table for three?" The Hostess asked as they entered Novu. Rebekah nodded her head in confirmation. They enjoyed a light meal and Matt got slipped the hostess phone number on the way out.

Meanwhile Klaus, Kol, and Stefan were playing cards and drinking at Stefan's apartment.

"Damn Nik you let Care go out looking like that? Are you trying to lose your women?" Klaus grabbed at Kol's phone curious of what he was speaking off. "I don't have control over Caroline ,she does what she likes" he answer as Kol quickly pulled his phone out of his brothers reach to tease him more of what exactly Caroline was wearing.

"I get that but if my hot fiancée was showing off all that leg I'd be going with her."

"Well Kol its girls night so I was not invited."

"Are you sure about that?" Kol questioned finally showing Klaus a picture on a tabloid site of Caroline Matt and Rebekah outside Novu. Kol was right she looked smoking hot. "I guess she didn't want to spend the evening with me."

"Don't read into it Nik, Her entire life has been flipped upside down she needs a night to feel like her old self" Stefan told him.

"You wouldn't feel that way if you seen this photo" Kol informed him. Before handing Stefan the phone Klaus read the caption.

Hottest Bachelor in New York fiancee enjoying some time out with soon to be sister in law but the real question is who is this hot mystery man escorting the ladies a now beau of Rebekah's?

Stefan took the phone from Klaus's hands "why does he look so familiar?"

"That is Caroline's cousin Matt" Klaus answered. "An ex-lover of our dear sister" Kol added. Stefan stood from his chair throwing on his jacket "I need a few harder beverages then this, who's coming with me?"

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