The Offer

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Chapter 1

Today started like anyone day for Caroline. She normally spoke with Mr. Mikaelson over text messages, email, or phone calls, It was very rare in the four in a half years she worked as his assistant did they do business in person so it made her very weary when he asked her to stop in his office before leaving for the evening.  It was finally six o'clock the day had dragged on for both Caroline and Klaus being they both were nervous about this after work meeting they were about to have with each other. Standing outside his office door she took a deep breath was about to knock when "Please come in Caroline" he called from inside.

Now standing in his over sized office Caroline patiently waited for Klaus to finish typing an email. Worried that she was being fired she started taping her fingers together. "Caroline stop that" he demanded giving her half of his attention while he continued to work. "Caroline why is a beautiful young woman like you without a boyfriend?"

"Work is to demanding I don't have time to seriously date anyone" She answered him not sure where this conversation was going. "Well allow me to assist with that."

"Are you going to fire me so I have time to date?" She questions the status of her employment. "No with a promotion of sorts" he replied with his version of the Mikaelson's mischievous grin.  "Too what?"

"Mrs. Mikaelson."

"HA!" She belted out after noticing that he did not join in, she stopped and looked at him with a very seriously confused face.

"Please sit" he asked her with sweaty palms. "As you know my mother is from England and I was born there and spent the my first three years living there so there for I am not an America citizen. My visa is to expire in seven months." He started to explain before she cut him off. "So you want me to take your name so you can use my citizenship?"

"Caroline I'm willing to compensate you greatly. After our marriage ends I will give you five million dollars and a position at any of the Mikaelson Crop businesses." In her head as she thought of which position she would take. "Won't you miss me as your assistant?" She joked as Klaus smiled showing her he was amused by her cute comment. "Why me?"

"You've been my right hand for almost five years, I know I can trust you. You already know a lot about me so it will be easier to fool INS. You are my sisters best friend. You Caroline are the kind of girl whom you take home to meet your parents."

"I'm flattered but."

"Caroline please don't just say no, think about it and met me here again tomorrow with your answer."

She nodded her head. Right before her hand hit the door handle when she sighed walked toward him and sat on the couch in his office. "If I'm going to give this honest and true consideration I will need the details" She informed him.   "Well first off Caroline I want you to know that you were not some last resort. I thought about this long and hard and decided you are the one person I could trust with this" as he informed her he took an engagement ring out of his pocket and hand it to her.  "Since my visa expires in seven months I would like you to come out publicly as engaged sometime this week, I would like to be engaged for about two months. Then get married that way it won't see so rushed. After that we will be married of year. Once the year is up we can get divorced at your choosing. After the year is up 5 million dollars will be deposited into your account, and we will discuss your new position in Mikaleson Corp." "Ok. I will consider it I will see you tomorrow with my decision" she informed him handing the engagement ring back. He shook his head "Why don't you hold onto it for the night, maybe it will help you make your decision. Oh and Caroline you can't tell her the truth if you decided to do this." He made her aware of something she already knew.

Caroline had just taken a seat in her car, she took a deep breath and then opened the ring box again. As she gazed amazingly at it a tear came to her eye. She never thought about what her ideal engagement ring would look like but now that it was in front of her she knew. It was big but not obnoxious, it shined but not enough to blind anyone who stared at it. It was modern in design but also have an old fashion tone about it. As she was staring at the beautiful white gold sphere an idea popped into her head. Klaus's sister Rebekah is the perfect test subject she is very close to both Niklaus and Caroline. If Care could get her to believe that they were engaged, then Caroline would have confidence she needed to try and pull this off.

Sliding the ring on her finger Caroline then called Rebekah.

R: Hey Care what's up?

C: I have some news Can you come to the apartment?

R: Sure I'm just leaving the mall I'll be there in about 20 minutes.

Caroline arrived home as changed into more comfortable clothes and started going through her clothes seeing which items she has that was fit to be seen out this New York's most eligible bachelor. A knock came at the door and she knew that it was Rebekah, she hurried to the couch and hid her left hand so she could see the ring and yelled "It's Open."

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