Tough Love

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Chapter 51

The rest of the week and most of the fallowing went on like that Caroline was either out before Klaus woke up and in bed before he returned home if not that she stayed at the mansion or with Rebekah. Klaus was going crazy he knew that they were still getting married due to the one text message that Caroline actually replied too.

Baby, please speak to me, I'm so lost without you. Its like we are passing ships. Like the apartment is haunted by you. I know you've been there but I never see you, God do I miss looking into your eyes. My mother and sister tell me that you are making a lot of progress on the wedding it is the only thing that is giving me hope that we will get through this.

About ten minutes after he sent the text she replied with one sentence that broke took away a bit of his hope.

Niklaus of course we are still getting married, I made a deal with you and I am a women of my word.

After staring at the text message for hours Klaus called his sister she picked up after two rings. He did not wait for any pleasantry got right to the point.

"Is she with you?"

"Hello to you brother but no Caroline is not with me. The rehearsal dinner is tomorrow and it is a surprise so I've been a bit busy."

"I think my relationship is over. She finally answered one of my messages telling me she is marrying me because of the deal."

"Well that is how this entire thing started so of course she is keeping her word."

"I know but I love her how am I going to live like this, when I just want to be with her for real?"

"Have you said I love you to each other yet?"

"No and now we never will."

"The two of you will be in a room together for hours tomorrow, I will find away to get you two some alone time and you tell her you love her. She is not out of this relationship she is hurt. You have a year to remind her of the man she wants to be with."

"Thank you Sister."

"Of course Nik I really think you two belong together."

"I finished the renovation on our home I really hope we will be on better terms when I get to walk her through it."

"You will, have faith. Oh and so you know she is out to lunch with Matt. I got to go there is a lot I need to get done."

Klaus started cleaning the apartment and thinking about what he would say to Caroline tomorrow. If he was going to confess his love for the first time he needed an amazing speech.

Caroline sat down with Matt at Delany's. Donna-Jo sat them down and expressed how excited herself and Larry were for the wedding.

"So how are you feeling with the upcoming event?"

"Matthew I'm super confused, its suppose to be the happiest day of my life but there is this weirdness is taking away from that."

"Why? You know he didn't kiss that women, she even came clean and explained that she was paid to kiss him, you publicly accepted her apology."

"I'm not upset about the girl, I'm upset because he told me that he was staying in New York while I was gone and then I find out that he was in Vegas from tabloids and he didn't even bother to tell me. We got to the plane and all the girls had messages from their guys and I had nothing, I fear that I am into him way more then he is into me."

"Care I'm going to be very blunt with you cuz I love you and we are family and you can get rid of me. You are being absolutely ridiculous. I fallowed him back to the room once he flew out of there after everything went down, when I got there he was in tear asking me how he is going to explain what just happened to you. That you are the best thing that has ever happened to him and he didn't know if he could survive it if you left him. He nearly killed Kol yelling everything was his fault he forced us to go to Vegas in the first place and he also dragged Klaus to the club he really didn't even want to be there. He also asked Kol to message you at least six different time to let you know where we were going."

"Oh. He cried? really?"

"Seriously Care? I think you are looking for any small red flag because your afraid to get blindsided again. He is not Enzo stop getting in your head and go fix this" Matt told her.

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