Illusion part 2

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Chapter 69

Once the room cleared out Rebekah took the seat Stefan left vacant near the bed.

"Beks where are we?"

"Mystic Falls"

"Why are we back here? We haven't been back since we graduated from high school. How did we get here so quickly?"

Giving Caroline an intrigued look Rebekah asked "Why do you think your married to my brother?"

"Because I am, we just got back from our honeymoon yesterday. I seen you at your parents house last night remember? You where the maid of honor for crying out loud."

"Let pretend that I don't remember tell me what has happened in the last year."

"Rebekah this is so stupid."

"Please Caroline just humor me." So she did and spend the next few hours explaining to Rebekah what had happened in the last year. At the end Rebekah could tell that Caroline was exhausted so she suggested some rest and then they would continue. Caroline closed her eyes but couldn't fall asleep there was just so much in her head. She heard footsteps approaching the bed. "So what did she say" Stefan asked.

"Well she thinks that we are all humans, Her and I have been best friends for as long as she can remember. Her and Elena never got along because Elena was mean to me in high school."

"This is ridicules" Elena cut off Rebekah.

"Do you wanna know what she thinks is real or not?" Rebekah ask not waiting for an answer before continuing. "She though you were Kathrine because she is apparently married to Elijah and the three of us are very close. She said that she had worked as Klaus's secretary for a few years until he offered to pay her a few million dollars to marry him for a year because his visa was expiring soon and he needed to stay in America while he fixed that visa issue. In that time he and her fell in love and they just returned from their honeymoon yesterday. Oh and Stefan and I are either engaged or gonna be very soon."

"Wow" Stefan said with a sad tone. "When she wake I'll tell her the truth, hopefully she takes it well."

"I'll do it" Rebekah offered.

"The hell you will" Elena rejected.

"I am the only person here that makes her feel any kind of comfort, hell I'm the only  onrshe will believe."

"What if she never remember what is truth?" Stefan asked stopping the girls from arguing.

"I have a way to make sure she does, just give her some time to rest. She needs it since she wont drink the blood." Elena and Stefan left and Rebekah pulled out her phone and dialed a number. "Hey, I need you to come to Mystic Fall its important" there was a quiet pause obviously the person on the other end talk "No don't tell him, not yet." After the phone call Rebekah went and sat back down near the bed. "Beks is there something wrong with me?" Caroline asked with a scared tone to her voice. "Just rest we are gonna take care of you."

Caroline must have fallen asleep because when she opened her eye the sun was high in the sky again. She looked to the chair that Rebekah had been sitting in and saw another one next to it with a blonde she had never met sitting in it. "Caroline with is Freya she is a witch she is gonna help you get better. Would it be ok if she showed me your memories of the last year?"

Caroline nodded her head to agree, Freya took both of their hand said a few words in Aramaic and then like a movie what Caroline believed to be that last year of her life flashed through Freya and Rebekah's head. They all sat in silence while the Mikaelson sisters process the beautiful life Caroline's brain had created for her. "Caroline that is a truly beautiful year but unfortunately none of that happened, it was all an illusion your brain and magic created" Rebekah sadly told her.

"Why would it have done that?" Caroline asked with tears in her eyes.

Rebekah took in a deep breath and slowly letting it out knowing that she was about to crush Caroline's happy dream. "Friends of your, Alaric and Jo who was pregnant with twins were getting married, Jo is a witch, her coven is special because they siphon magic from others. During the wedding her brother attacked, she was dying and her coven before he kill them used the last of their magic to put the babies somewhere they would be protected, a Vampire who can't die seemed the a great option. Through out the pregnancy you slowly started to weaken, needing to drink way more blood then you normally did. Four months ago when you went into labor the girls nearly siphoned you to death. You were alive barely, Stefan called Klaus who rushed here to give you his blood, but you wouldn't wake up not until yesterday anyway."

"Vampire? Witches?" Caroline question out loud to herself trying to make scene of it all.

"I could show you, your memories of what actually happened the last year" Freya offered. Again Caroline nodded her head in agreement. Freya went to grab Caroline had to preform the spell once again before Caroline pulled her hand to her chest "wait, will I still remember the illusion my mind created?"

"Yes this will reveal your reality but you will remember the illusion like you would a dream." Caroline place her hand in Freya's and just like that her reality snapped back into place. They sat in silence for an hour while Caroline stared at the wall in front of her. "So we aren't best friends huh" Caroline asked breaking the silence. "No, but I would have loved to have a friend like you were to me in your dream" Rebekah confessed.

"I wonder why my brain created such an elaborate dream" Caroline wondered.

"I believe that the girls knew they were sucking the live out of you but didn't know how to stop so they called on their magic to bring your biggest desires forward so you wouldn't feel pain while you slowly died" Freya explained. "So now what? I'm suppose to just go back to the way things were before I was a magical baby surrogate? What if I don't want too?"

Before the Mikaelson sisters could answer they heard loud bangs coming from down stairs. Then the attic door flew open and in walked the man Caroline had been longing to see since the moment she woke up in the attic of the Salvatore boarding house.

"Hello Love." 

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