Closing Doors

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Chapter 71

Stefan bore daggers into Klaus while Caroline feed. "I happy your here to help clear things up but now that she has your blood in her system, Caroline will be fine so you can go." Caroline eyes bounced between Stefan and Klaus, she was use to Klaus fighting for her and had seen Stefan fight over  women but it was never her. It was Elena always Elena, never Caroline not until Elena picked Damon. Caroline often wonder if Stefan loved her or just settled for her since the person he really wanted picked his brother. She felt loved by him but it wasn't passionate, or all consuming like the love she felt from Klaus.

Rebekah whooshed into the room in a fury she glared at Stefan giving him a look of disgust. "Nik is the Mikaelson estate ready?"

"Yes, i've been staying there while in town to check on Caroline."

"Wonderful I think it best to have Caroline come stay with us for a while. She will be more comfortable there."

"Are you kidding me? You are aware that it was all a dream, you and Caroline aren't actually friends" Stefan informed Rebekah condescendingly.

"We might not have gotten along in the past but Bekah and I have decided to start over and be friends so please do not talk to her like that" Caroline requested from Stefan while still laying in Klaus arms.

"Now that your feeling better I think its time for the Mikaelsons to leave, we have a lot to talk about" Stefan said walking toward the right side of the bed taking Caroline's hand. She pulled her hand away and placed it onto her lap. "Your right" Caroline agreed while feeling Klaus's body tense behind her. "but I don't want the Mikaelsons to leave, not the house anyway. Could you give use a few minutes alone?" Rebekah and Klaus nodded their heads in agreement before stepping out of the room.

"Stefan I don't think we should continue on in this marriage."

"Caroline it was only a dream a long one but still only a dream. You just want to end our marriage?"

Caroline tilted her head slowly, and took in a deep breath and with tears in her eyes began the very hard confession she would make to Stefan. "This is not about the dream well not only the dream. Isn't it concerning to you that when the girls gave me a dream or whatever of my greatest desire and you were in love with my best friend and a friend to me, just like your suppose to be here in reality. When we first met and I fell for you instantly and you told me Caroline you and me is not going to happen. I think you were right."

"So because some silly baby witches gave you some messed up illusion and you were a vapid, ditzy blonde when you were still human and I did want you then you are going to leave me for that monster? If your mother was still alive she would be so disappointed in you"

Rebekah whooshed through the door and slammed Stefan into the wall. Klaus stepping in behind her and leaned against the opposite wall. "You do not get to talk about her mother. How dare you sit here and speak to her about leaving you for my brother when you have been sneaking around with Elena while your wife was in a coma."

Caroline flopped down onto the bed and starts laughing causing the three other people in the room to stop what they were doing and looking at her. "Its always been Elena, she's always been the one. I don't know why I even agreed to date you. I deserve someone who picks me first, who loves me for me, someone who knew that the ditzy blonde was just a mask. Someone who wasn't screwing my so called best friend while the twins I was carrying were literally sucking the life out of me. Once I leave here today I don't want to hear from either of you ever again." Caroline then looked from Rebekah and Klaus as asked "are you ready to get out of here?"

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