Forgive Me

997 38 13

Chapter 50

Klaus woke up laying flat on his stomach looking at the clock to see it was fifteen past noon. Klaus had not slept this late on a week day in years. Since the photo debacle human resources decided that he would go on a sabbatical until after the honeymoon. Klaus got up from his bed hoping that Caroline would be ready to talk to him. When he exited his the room he noticed that her door was open a smile grew on his face believing it was a good sign but a frown appeared when he seen that she wasn't in the room or in the apartment. He took out his phone and went to the next messages to text her. Before he types out the message he read over the last message he received from her. He know it must have bee before she seen all the articles and the picture.

Hey Babe...Calling you Babe is kinda weird but I like it. We are leaving Sage's now. I can't wait to see you I miss you so much! <3

He sighs reading over and over hoping that he hasn't lose the women of his dreams. He start to type out a message to her.

I like that you call me Babe, I hope one day I can hear you call me it. I'm so sorry that this has happened but please believe that I did not ask that women to kiss me nor did I kiss her back. I'm sorry that you were embarrassed that is the last thing I would ever want. Caroline you mean so much to me, I need you in my life. Please talk you me, please tell me that we can get past this. Baby I miss you so much.

Klaus went to the bedroom got changed and when to the new house, while he was away some of the new material have started to arrive since he now found himself with a lot of free time he though maybe he could get the house done before the wedding. When he arrives at the house he checks his phone to see if he has any nothing from her but there was an email from the home inspector letting him know that the foundation of the house is in good shape which is a huge relief and will save a lot of money in the home renovations. 

Klaus turned on his music and when to work thinking about the movie Caroline made him watch when that guy Noah bought and remodeled the house for Allie that seemed to work out well for him. Granted she lost her memory and forgot all about him but still the sentimental though gave him hope. Klaus worked late into the night and was exhausted. He drove to the apartment in silence wondering if he ever get the chance to walk Caroline through the house once it was finished. He had just pulled into the parking spot when his phone rang, he pulled it out of his pocket so quickly hope it was her that it flew across the car. He finally got it seeing his father is calling. With a sigh he answers "Hello Father."

"Hello Niklaus I just wanted to call to inform you that Caroline is staying at the family home this evening."

"Oh ok, thank you for the heads up Father."

"Son listen she is upset now and that understandable but I know she is still in love with you, if she wasn't why would she have spent the entire day with your mother working on the wedding and now that poor girl is spending the night here with your mother watching our wedding video, and then spending the entire day with her again tomorrow."

"The wedding is still on?"

"Of course Niklaus, she is not the type to give up it isn't in her blood."

"Well we have even spoke yet so I was assuming she was waiting for me to leave our apartment to pack up her things and run" Klaus admitted thinking about how when she couldn't take Enzo's betrayal she packed up and moved to New York.

"Give her some time, she is not use to her relationship out in the public eye for all to judge. Ok?" Mikael asked with a reassuring voice before he was about to hang up.



"You know I didn't kiss that women right? I would never, I love Caroline."

"I know, and so does she I promise son this will work out. Trust me I know a think or two about love."

Klaus and his father ended the call and he went to his empty apartment striped down out of his dirty clothes took a quick shower and fell on to Caroline's bed. He needed to be close to her and this was the only way he could. The moment his head hit the pillow and breathed in her scent he was fast asleep. 

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