In Her Room part 2

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Chapter 23

With a smile happy that he was able to cheer Caroline up Klaus nodded "it seems so."

"Doesn't it sadden you that you have to run Mikaelson Corp and can't be a carpenter? I know you wouldn't be making as much money but I feel like the money isnt as important to you as you make people think."

"As gratifying as the money I earn from my job and sir name if I lost it all tomorrow I'd be fine. I'm not sad or bitter about taking over the family business for my father. He worked from having nothing to owning and running this successful business. My two older brothers arnt going to step up and we can't leave things in Kol's hands. I can't just let my fathers business fall apart. I can fallow my passion on my own time" He answered her.

"That is one of the most selfless things I've ever heard."

"Thank you, Caroline. I've always wondered why you are friends with my sister? Your personalities don't mesh" Caroline shook her head in disappointment. "I honestly think I might be the only person who truly knows her. Rebekah is kind and generous and the most caring human being i've ever known. Your family needs her to be the spoiled, materialist snot she pretends to be. Since the day she came to live with us, she and I had this bond. She was the first person I told about my dad she held me as I cried. It was so easy to tell her, she was so understanding. Bekah always listened and honestly cares. If anything I don't deserve her friendship, I've never listen to her issues like she does mine."

"well love its not to late, the two of you will be friends for live if you want to be a better friends to her then do so" Klaus advised. She smiled "Your right" she agreed getting off the bed and turning off the light. "Its late we should get some sleep." Caroline crawled back into bed and cuddled up to Klaus. They laid in silence for a few minutes before Klaus asked "How did Enzo take it when you told him?"

"Told him what?"

"About your father. You said Rebekah was the first person you told and then."

"I never told Enzo" Caroline cut him off. "You are the second person I've ever told" she added.

Klaus leaned over a kissed her passionately.

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