The Gala part 2

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Chapter 16

Klaus, Kol, and Stefan where on the terrace enjoying a cigar. Rebekah was getting a drink at the bar. Caroline was walking through the art gallery to see what she wanted to bid on. She was staring at a landscape with hanging willow tree. "Beautiful" came from a men's voice she should have recognized but was to fixated on the painted to realize. "yeah it is" Caroline agreed not looking away. "I meant you" Enzo flirted. This unwelcomed advance pulled her out of her gaze.

"You still look amazing in red."

"yeah, well I prefer blue."

"Then why wear this?"

"This invite was a bit last minute. We were planning to spend the evening at home."

"Living together before your married? Not very honorable coming from a Mikaelson."

"Yeah well some creep broke into my apartment so I'm staying at the Mikaelson family home until we get married."

"In separate rooms?"

"Not that it's any of your business but I will be sharing a room with Bekah" She answered looking around for Klaus.

"Looking for your bodyguard? Are you not allowed to speak with me? Is he afraid some old feeling might arise?"

"my want to not be near you has nothing to do with him."

"So why don't you tell me why you don't want to be near me?"

"It's just weird that your around, that you know my fiancé and his family. I left Virginia because I wanted to get away from you and now here you and your family are a huge part of the world I'll be involved in for the rest of my life."

"You don't have to be a part of this world. You're not born into it like some of us."

"True but my future husband was and I'm not leaving him."

"Even if I offered to leave it all behind and run away with you to Ireland?"

"That was a dream of a love struck child plus you were out and you came back. You like being part of this world."

Rebekah came barging into the room much to Caroline's joy. "There you are pretty lady. I've been looking for you. Help me pick out a piece of art from the wall would you?" Bekah questioned giving Enzo a dirty look.

"I would love to" Caroline agreed turning away from Enzo without say goodbye.

Once she and Bekah were far enough away from him Caroline leaned over to her "Thanks for the rescue next time please don't take so long at the bar."

"Oh I was there sooner but I was helping Stefan and Kol claim down Nik."

"What's wrong with Klaus?" She asked worried. Rebekah pulled her to the empty patio and explained to her how she earlier had to warn Enzo to say away from Caroline because he seems to still have feeling for her. While the boys were out on the patio having a cigar Kol told Klaus about it and when he enters the gala and he seen Enzo speaking with her and got super jealous.

"Where is he now?"


As Caroline was walking toward Klaus the bar she felt Enzo's eyes fallowing her. She was growing more annoyed, though she knew that this was just an arrangement between her and Klaus she didn't like the face that Enzo could say a few word and impair Klaus's trust in Caroline. She now reached the bar and before she could get Klaus's attention he stood up and bumped into her. She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the still empty patio. He turned toward her and was about to speak before a word escaped his mouth her lips slammed into his with haste. She pulled her lips part from his just enough to whisper in his ear "Don't let that nonsensical man's ego get the best of you. I don't want him I want you." Klaus now claimed by Caroline's words he pulled her closer and deepened their kiss. His one hand rested on the back over her neck and the other in the small of her back.

The door flew open making a crashing sound startling Caroline. The couple looked to the source of the noise and seen Enzo standing at the now opened door. Caroline blushed and hind her face in Klaus's chest. He's whispered to her "busted" causing her to giggle.  "Clarissa sent me out you get any wanders they are going to announce they winners off the silent auction." The couple did not say a word Klaus took her hand and led her back into the main room.

Clarissa and a few other women were on stage and announcing the winner for each object. While they were waiting Kol and Caroline were acting like children and lightly flicking the back of Klaus's ears. "And for our last and most expensive bid of the night." As Clarissa spoke Caroline noticed the Willow tree painting that she meant to bid on. She stopped harassing Klaus and watched to see if the amount she had to bid would even have been enough. "This original piece by Wilhouse Morton at the bid of 1 million dollars goes to Niklaus Mikaelson." Caroline looked up to a smile Klaus and planted a thankful kiss on his lips.

"How did you know."

"If you weren't staring at me you were staring at that painting. Now we have the first piece for our home" he gifted her with a delighted beam. "Thank you Nik" she bashfully grinned.

The event was winding down to a close and Caroline, Klaus and Kol were not their way to the family home while Rebekah was spending the evening at Stefan's apartment.

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