Mother Knows Best

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Chapter 46

The bridal shower was coming to an end and Caroline's Aunt Lori was asking if the groom would be gracing them with his presents. "Yes Lori he and some of the groomsmen are on there way, so just keep it in your pants" Bekah joked with Lori who she has know for years and just so happens to be Matt's mother. Esther sat a few tables away, Clarissa St.John sat next to her glaring at Caroline envious that is was not her Klaus had decided to be with. Trying to get her mind off of this Clarissa asked Aurora "So who are you walking down the aisle with?"

"I haven't been told yet, or asked about the dresses. Very unprepared she is."

"You have been told because you are not in the wedding" Katherine informed her.

"Excuse me? Who is all in this wedding party then? Who is walking with my husband?"

"Well lets see obviously Care and Klaus the best man and the maid of honor which is,

Stefan and Bekah

Elijah and myself

Kol and Bonnie

Matt and April

Finn and one of Caroline's oldest friends.

I can't recall her name but we are going to see her in Australia, its actually the reason why the bachelorette party is there. I guess she can't leave until a few days before the wedding due to work."

"Her dads dead right so is she just going to walk herself down the aisle?" Clarissa joke and Aurora laughed.

"Actually Mikael will be walking her, it is not very classy to laugh at the death of a great man. Her father was a dear friend to Mikael as well as your fathers, Caroline isn't as far out of this circle as you two believe" Esther reminded them and then left the table.

Kathrine had gone back to the girl and told them of the unsuspected defense of Caroline on Esther part. "My father was a pompous, judgmental, rude, cold man, its no surprise that she'd be fond of him."

A loud noise filled the room informing the guest that the boys had arrived. Klaus snuck up behind Caroline and spun her around hugging her and kissing her on the check. Rebekah introduced Lori to the boys and in normal Lori fashion she made some racy comments. "Mother for once could you not" Matt requested.

Klaus and Caroline wondered off into the stair well. "How was your party my dear?"

"Fine I guess, its kinda weird like worlds colliding and what not. It shouldn't be since my father was a part of this world for like 30 years but he kept us away from it so all these people your mother has invited knows my father and that I exist but I've never met them and they say all these kind things about that asshole."

Klaus pulled her into a hug and kissed her on the head. "Love, please don't let these people get to you, they seen what he wanted them too. We know the truth."

"I know. So are you ready to talk to my mother?"

"Yeah" Klaus said with a sigh.

"Why the sigh?"

"I'm not going to lie I am a bit nervous."

"To talk with my mom?"

"Don't act like that, you were scared to talk to my mother plus yours carries a gun for a living."

"Something tells me yours is still more deadly" Caroline joked causing Klaus to laugh.

"Alright lets go impress my new mother."

The couple walked back into the party and Klaus walk up to Liz.

"Excuse me Mrs. Forbes would you mind coming with me so we can have a chat?"

"Sure" Liz answered as she got up and walked with Klaus to the empty bar area.

"Caroline had mentioned to me that you wanted to have a private conversation with me before the wedding.I get why you might be a little worried so please ask anything you want."

"Why my daughter? I'm not oblivious Klaus you were the cities most eligible bachelor for many years."

"Honestly because she said no."


"Please let me explain its not as bad as that sounds. As you mentioned before my last name and bank account has made dating very easy for me. I was never said no too, Through out the first few years that Caroline worked for me I asked her out every once in awhile. I'd be crazy not too, she is a goddess. She always just responded politely with "No Thanks" it drove me crazy. I'd ask my sister if she had a boyfriend and that's why she was saying no but she didn't. Then the company was having a large party after closing a huge deal, Caroline agreed to come as my date because there was a intern that was obsessed with me. Care even found the girl naked hiding in my office a few times. About twenty minutes into the night Caroline had gotten sick, from eating way to much shrimp cocktail, You know how she is with Shrimp. We spend the entire night in my room watching TV so she could be closer to the toilet. We had amazing conversations we told each other things we'd never told anyone before. She told me about her fathers second family and I told her about the real reason my engagement ended years ago. She fell asleep on the couch and even though she was pail from being sick she was still the most beautiful women I'd ever seen. After that night I knew she was the one and we started spending time together as friends, we'd just watch movie, play bored games and talk but like really talk to each other. Just boring stuff and it was better then any night on the town. During one of those talks I asked her a hypothetical question if now that she was getting to know the real me if she'd now say yes to a date with me. She told me that her fear would be the fact that since my broken engagement I haven't been able to be in a real relationship. Us hanging out like this went on for about a year in a half and I had fallen madly in love with Caroline. I knew if I asked her on a date she'd find an excuse to say no, so to prove to her that I wanted this to be real I confessed my love and proposed."

Liz smiled "well I think that's all I need to know. She picked you for a reason and I can see that you love her. If she she told you about Bill then she really must trust you and that is all that matters to me."

She gave Klaus a hug and went back to Caroline and her sister Lori. Klaus felt bad lying to Caroline's mother but she made him promise that he would. And that first day really did happen and he hadn't been able to get her off of hid mind ever since. That is why he picked her in the first place. And they did have all those talks it was just after thry where already engaged. 

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