Moving On

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Chapter 72

Caroline sat in the car with Freya while Rebekah and Klaus packed her stuff in the trunk. She was quiet the entire ride to the Mikaelson mansion and only let out a "thank you" when they showed her to her room. She laid in the bed for hours before making her way down to the kitchen in search for some blood. In the bottom shelf was stacked with B positive, a kind gesture from Klaus knowing that he and Bekah prefer to drink from the vein. She warmed up a mug before sitting at the the table looking out the window into the night.

"Caroline you feeling ok?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude I just needed some blood."

"No need to apologize, Klaus stocked the blood just for you, drink as you need. Are you still feeling weak?"

"No. I don't know Bekah I just a bit lost. I think its time for me to leave Mystic Falls."

"leaving home is always scary. Maybe the things that made this place feel like home are gone and you will move on and find a place that feels like home once again."

"I've always found that its the people not a place that is home" Klaus adds from the kitchen doorway. Rebekah stood from her chair took Caroline's empty cup of blood to the sink, "I'll leave the two of you to talk." Klaus took the seat across from Caroline "Something bothering you love?"

"I don't think I'll ever get to meet the twin. Alaric see Elena as family and they will paint me as the villain for choosing you and he will think I've turned off my humanity and not allow me to see the girls."

"You picked me?"

"I do remember you saying however long it takes, I ready now. If I'm honest I've been ready. I was just scared and then things with Stefan happened and I though that was what I wanted for so long."

"I understand love you need to experience some more life before you were ready to be with me forever, because once you are mine its forever Caroline."

Caroline raised from were she was sitting and slid into Klaus's lap looked him into the eyes "forever sounds perfect" and then she leaned in and kissed his lips.

Caroline joined the Mikaelson in New Orleans and help Klaus rule over the supernatural being and bring harmony amount the wolfs, witches, and vampires. She became a loving step mother to Hope. After a few hundred years Caroline finally took the sir name of Mikaelson. They have been together for thousands of years and though they fight and have disagreements they still love with all their hearts beating or not.

The End.

Hope you all enjoyed Married to Money. I will not be posting anymore for the rest of the year, gonna relax and spend the holiday with my family. In the new year I want to take work one of my other Klaus and Caroline fan-fiction. If you could comment if you want me to work on Fortuitous Love or Destined to be Together I'd appreciate it. Thanks for reading

                                                                           - J. Chamberlain

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