The Truth

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Chapter 67

There was an awkward silence and Caroline was dying to ask all the questions that were popping into her head but she refrained for Klaus's benefit. "Go ahead Love."


"I know you are bursting to ask me all the questions that are running through that beautiful head of yours, so let them out."

"Who had the affair? How did it come out? How did the press find out so quick?"

"I have no answer for you, I'd assume it was my mother she always seemed to love the thought of my father more then the man himself. All my siblings are at the house but my father said that he won't say anything until we arrive."

The rest of the ride was quiet. Once they had arrived at the house Klaus asked the driver to take their bags to the guest house. It was already late in the evening and he assumed this was not going to be a quick conversation so Klaus made the executive decision to stay the night in the family guest house out near the pool. The couple walked in the front door and a bitter feeling fell over them immediately. Mikael, Esther, Finn, Aurora, Elijah, Kol, and Stefan were sitting at the large dinning table while Rebekah and Kathrine walk into the foyer to greet them. "How was your honeymoon?"

"Amazing, I'll tell you both about it another time" Caroline answered.

"Well not too much details because that my brother and gross." Caroline and Klaus both let out a small chuckle at Rebekah before fallowing the ladies into the family room to join the others. Mikael was at the head of the table while Esther sat at the other end. Elijah, Klaus and their spouses sat on the sides next to Mikael. Finn and his spouse sat on either side of Esther. Kol, Rebekah, and Stefan sat in the middle. "I know by now you have all see the stories that Esther and I have decided to end our marriage."

"Because one of you had an affair, Who was she father?" Finn questioned holding Esther's hand support. Staring into Esther's eyes his own filled with disdain "This is not about the affair" Mikael informed them.

"Dad your so old you really still can getting it on?"

"Kol!"Finn yelled "that's a bit inappropriate, isn't it?"

"The affair was years ago over thirty years actually. When Finn and Elijah were toddlers and Esther hired a nanny"

"Wow how cliché Father shagging the nanny" Finn commented.

"Says the man that shagged his brothers fiancée" Caroline said under her breath.

"Esther wanted a women who was closer to our age so the boys got a more maternal feeling from her. Because their actual mother was more interested vacationing with her friends and shopping trips. That left me alone in this big house with my sons and this kind, loving women who not only took care of my kids but me, so yes Finn I fell in love with the nanny. A few years later she because pregnant with my third son and we were so excited. So I went to the lawyer and got the papers drawn up not only to leave Esther but take the boys with me. She was 7 months into the pregnancy when she changed her mind, left a letter that said she could live with herself if she broke up a family and took children away from their mother, that she would love and take care of our son and make sure he knew the kind of man I was."

"So there is another Mikaelson out there somewhere?" Rebekah questioned excitedly.

"Esther why don't you tell your children where that baby is or better yet why don't you tell them where the love of my life is? What you did to my Serena" Mikael said with hate in his voice. 

"You need to understand I had nothing before marrying Mikael. Once I had everything I ever wanted and two kids to make sure he didn't go anywhere this woman comes along and with easy takes my life away. I couldn't go back to working for nothing and having nothing not when I've lived this amazing pampered life."

"So you were worried about not having his money? Not the fact that you were going to loose your children?" Elijah questioned annoyed while Esther just looked down to the table.

"While Nik and Caroline where on their honeymoon immigration called Esther and I in to make sure that the wedding was not a scam. That's when I told them about Serena. About two months after I read that letter a beautiful baby boy was left on my door step. I knew, right away that he was the son I shared with Serena, he had her eyes, and kind smile. In the car seat was a note that read Mikael take care of him, I'm sorry. I knew that something had to be wrong with her, she would never abandon her son if she didn't have too. Know that she was not going to return to me Esther and I decided to try and make it work so we put her name on the birth certificate. Serena and I talked about what she would name our son often, its was the name she always called her prince charming when playing pretend as a kid. Niklaus."

"You are an American citizen and do not need to worry about immigration bothering you, you can just love your wife" Mikael told Klaus while looking at his son with his love in his eyes. Looking at Esther with tears in his eye Klaus questioned "what happened to my mother? Father said that you did something to her, what was it?"

"I paid someone to kidnap her and once she gave birth to you I had her murdered. I needed my life to stay the same."

"When I was telling the story yesterday I seen the look on Esther's face and when we left the meeting I questioned her and she yelled in public about my affair which is where the media heard. Then in the car on the way home she told me that she had my Serena murdered just so she could go on excessive trips and lavish shopping sprees, so tomorrow morning we are going down to the police station so she can confess."

"Your going to lock my mother way?"

"Yes Finn she broke the law and deprived your brother of his mother. She was someone's child, the love of someone's life."

Klaus stood up and taking Caroline's hand "this is a lot to take in and we had a long flight so we will be in the guest house, see you all tomorrow." 

Hi all,

I know it has taken me way to long to get this chapter posted. I have written this over and over again it just wasn't correct but now I feel happy with it. I'm sad to say that this book is coming to an end there is about 5 more chapters

                                                                                              - J.Chamberlain 

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