The Suite

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Chapter 4

As they were in the car speeding away Caroline looked to Klaus "What did you say to them?"

"I simply informed them that you are not new."

"new to what?"

"New to me."

"Oh I see. Hey We are going the wrong way. My apartment is the other way."

"I know. However, if you look behind us you will see that we are being followed.  We are going to stay at my secure apartment tonight and tomorrow we will stay at your place."  She did not respond, there was no need for any rebuttal she would just lose because he had a valid point. They drove in silence for about forty minutes. They pulled up to  The Plaza hotel where Klaus was currently living on the top floor in a penthouse suite. There were a few members of the press there taking pictures. Like at the Restaurant Klaus shielded Caroline from the press as they entered the building.  They walked into the lobby and Klaus and Caroline walked to the front desk. "Good evening Mr. Mikaelson, Miss.Forbes" the women at the greeted. "Good evening Amber, do you have Caroline's key card ready?" She smiled and went to the far left drawer and pulled out cards and handed them to him. They turned to leave when Amber called after him. "Mr. Mikaelson your mother called again asking about your where about."

"And what did you tell her?"

"As you directed sir I informed her that you left for work this morning and have not returned home yet."

"Perfect, thank you Amber."

As they enter the elevator Caroline looked at him "Issue's with your mother?"

"Always." She took her hand in him and rubber her thumb against his palm for comfort. The doors opened and the walked into the pent house. She looked around at the huge place "You live here alone?"

"Not anymore. Here let me give you the tour." He walked her threw the house showing her the common rooms. He opened a door to their bedroom the bed was a California king, a 52' flat screen hung on the wall. Threw the one door on the right side of the bed was the on suite bathroom with glorious stand up shower and Jacuzzi tub. On either side of the TV there was a door that would walk you into the ginormous walk-in closet on the right was all of Klaus's things and on the left was some new items for Caroline. He came up behind her "I hope you don't mind I had Bekah pick out some things for you." She looked at one dress and then see the price tag. "Wow Klaus this is way too much." He took her hand and pulled her to sit on the bed. "Caroline you are soon going to be married to a billionaire you'll need to dress that way" he informed her kissing her on the head. He disappeared into the closet reappear a few minute later with only a pair of low hanging sweat pants on. "Why don't you get changed and meet me in the living room I'll make us some tea."

Caroline went into the closet and found many lingerie pieces she found and small pair of shorts that seemed t be her best option. She walked over to Klaus's side of the closet and took one of his dark blue Henley shirts and put that on. As she entered the living room his eyes raked her body. "Is that my shirt?"

"Yeah well the only pajamas your sister brought her were lingerie so this was my best option" she informed him. He turned to hide the fact that he was blushing at the thought of her in lingerie.  Caroline walked over to him and took a cup of tea off the counter "thanks." She took the cup into the living room and sat on the couch, Klaus fallowed her. They sat for a few moments before Caroline sighed. "What's wrong, love?"

"It just hit me that I'm out of a job now. What am I going to do all day?"

"Well among the social group the women get together once a week, Rebekah says its mostly gossip but they do a lot of fundraising for charities, you can always attend that with Rebekah. You can also work on your photography."

She looked at him with squinted eyes surprised he knew about her photography. "I've seen your pictures in Rebekah's Catalogs, you have a great eye." She smiled sadly. "What is it?"

"I ok will at the part of this agreement but I'm just scared that once she finds out I'm going to lose her friendship. As crazy as she is beside my mom, Bekah is my only constant in my life. Wont you please let me tell her? If she knows she can help me."

"Since my wacky sister means so much to you, you may tell her."

She smiled at him and grabbed the remote. "What would you like to watch?"

"Flip this house" He responded. A huge grin came across her face "I love that show!" As they watched the show Caroline started to crawl into a ball in attempts to keep herself warm. "Come here love my body normally runs hot, I'll keep you warm" he called to her with open arms. She slid over to him a laid her head on her chest while her warmed his arms around her.

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