I Dos

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Chapter 59

As the music started playing the guest in attendance stood and smile and watched as Caroline glided down the aisle to Klaus. For the excited couple it seemed like time stood still and everyone else fell away, like it was just the two of them in the world. With each step Caroline took it felt like she was moving backward like she would never reach him. Her eyes connected with Klaus's he mouthed to her "I love you." She took a deep breath and before she knew it, she was standing right in front of Klaus. Mikael took Klaus's hand and placed it into Carolines and held theirs in his. "Be happy son, live for love first and everything else second. You do this my son and you will be a rich man in the way that counts the most." He gave Caroline a hug and welcomed her to the family telling her that he always thought of her as daughter and now it would be official. He then kissed Klaus on the cheek, "I love you son, I am so happy you've found love. Be happy and treat her like the queen she is."

"Always father."

He lovingly tapped Klaus's cheek and said "that's my boy."

After Mikael reached his seat Caroline and Klaus turned to the pastor.

"Please be seated. family, friends, beloved guests we are gathered here today to rejoice in the joining of two souls in holy matrimony. Love is defined as a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, sounds kind of ridiculous and understated. Defining love seems a bit impossible if you as me. Love is different for every person who has the joy of experiencing it. So what can I tell you about love? I can tell you that it isn't at all easy, that it just like marriage take work and consideration. I can tell you that it is the best feeling in the world, that you will never find anything that make you feel the way love does. Good or bad love is unique. What can I tell you about marriage? Ignore the advise other married people give you, this marriage is between the two of you and not body else, so trust in each others love because you are the only people who experience that love. fight, argue when you disagree it means the passion is still there. Most importantly don't give up on each other, you fell for a reason so remember and never forget it."

After his speech the pastor did a prayer and it was now time for the vows which Caroline and Klaus decided to write themselves. "Normally I'd say ladies first but she looks a bit nervous so Niklaus here is your first chance to be the brave spouse and go first."

Klaus took Caroline's hand and began. "I've known you for most of our life's, but for a lot of that time you were just a family friend and Rebekah's annoying sidekick. I remember the first time I saw you and actually seen you. It was at your father funeral, any other kid who had lost their parent would have been a mess and I could tell by the look in your eye that you were devastated but you were strong and brave because you needed to take care of the family. That day I watched you float around the room taking care of your mother and aunts who were having issues holding it together. I recall thinking to myself that one day in the far future when I got married I'd hope my wife would be as brave and strong as you. So I guess I've succeeded there" he stated with a small giggle and then continues. "Five years that is how long I sat in my office not knowing that my soulmate sat on the other side of the door, a woman so caring and selfless a woman who took the time to getting to know Nik, who I truly am not who I pretend to be. Getting to know you over the years and seeing how kind, loving friend and daughter you are make me so excited to call you my wife. I am so ready to spend the rest of my life with you. So today on the best day of my life I vow to you Caroline Elizabeth Forbes I will spend everyday working toward being a man worthy of all your love. I will take care of you like you've always taken care of others. I will be your biggest fan and your kindest critic. I will love you will all of my heart always and forever."

Caroline wiped a tear from her eye, took a deep breath and began. "After hear your beautiful vows I'm really wishing I would have gone first, there is no way I'm going to top that. For weeks I've tried to write these vows but it never seemed to come out right so I decided to go with my heart, that what got us here in the first place right." Klaus smiled and nodded encouraging her to go on. "I remember in my senior year of high school Bekah got hit by a car, you rush to her side and stayed with her every second until she was released. I would sit out side that door hearing you read trash gossip magazines to her knowing you didn't care a lick about what you were reading but you knew that she did, that it had always comforted her when she was down so even though she wasn't wake to hear you tried to comfort your little sister. You are the reason I hated being an only child I just wanted to be love that much. After sitting outside your office for five years and watching the secret kind man you'd be when you though no one was looking always reminded me of that sweet man I'd see years ago. I knew all along that your man about town ways was only a guard you built to protect yourself and I am so lucky that I am the women you've decided to allow you see and love the real Nik. Your love makes me feel a confidence that I never knew, you make be feel that I can do anything, and I know that if I fail you'll be there to hold me and stand beside me when I'm ready to try again. So today on the best day of my life I vow to you Niklaus Mikaelson I will spend everyday working toward being a woman worthy of all your love. I will take care of you like you've always taken care of others. I will be your biggest fan and your kindest critic. I will love you will all of my heart always and forever."

After the exchanging of vows the ceremony went pretty quickly. They said the I dos, exchange the rings and kissed like no one was watching. Then pastor turned them to the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentleman for the first time I present to you Mr and Mrs Niklaus Mikaelson."

Hi All, 

Sorry it took so long to update I really want to get the vows just right so I really took my time with them. I hope you love them!


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