Bachelorette Party

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Chapter 47

The girls had arrived in Australia early in the morning Sage had message Caroline the security code and to let themselves in and find a room and she'd see them in the morning.Caroline and Rebekah where sharing a room they slept on the plane so they were wide away. They lied in bed together and had an honest conversation, something they use to do all the time when they shared a room.

"So what are the boys doing?"

"Not too sure Klaus said they are staying in New York and that the boys will probably drag him out to clubs, that Kol wasn't invited to Finn's and Elijah's was boring, and I guess he had taken Stefan to a strip club when he passed the bar and he wasn't happy about the prank and so he is probably looking for some retribution. Then you through Matt into the mix they will be wild."

"Yeah my brother took Stefan to the strip club to get "acquainted" with his future clients. When Stef said who the strippers and Nik said no they other patrons."

"I could only imagine Stefan at a strip club, I think he'd be more awkward then me."

"Oh for sure. Makes me feel better being his girlfriend."

"Yeah" Caroline said with a sigh thinking about all the random women Klaus has slept with.

"Care don't do that to yourself. My brother loves you, you know the real him so get that mess out of your head and lets enjoy these three days away from the boys and the lonely wife club."

Caroline and Rebekah put there bathing suits and met the rest of the girls and spent the day by the pool. Kathrine was enamored with Sage, she wanted to know how someone so wild and free like her could have been with Finn. Kathrine being the not so shy one decided that she would find out. "Sage what was it about Finn? Watching paint dry is more fun then that guy."

"Maybe now, but when I knew him, he was a artist. I remember sneaking out at midnight and breaking into closed down old meat packing plants so he could get the perfect shots. He was the first person to take my picture. He showed me how to become part of the scenery and not just a woman standing in front of a background."

"So what happened?"

"During our senior year of school Esther started getting on his case about how he needed to get serious and that photography was not the life he was going to live. We had this plan to run away to Paris the day of graduation I waited but he never showed."

"You still love him?" Rebekah asked her.

"God do I wish I didn't. My life is this amazing extravagant one but I don't have anyone to share it with. I've tried to date a few time but they just don't have the passion that he had for me, and life, and art my Finneas!"

"Is that his full name?" April asked.

"Nope that was just my nickname for him and what he took on as is alias name when he submitted photos behind Esther's back."

"Wow crazy that is the same person who stole his own brother girl" Bekah said in shock of Sage's explanation of her brother.

"He did what?"

"Yeah his wife was in a serious relationship with Klaus for years. During College Klaus took a part time job so he was away a lot between school and work and she started shacking up with Finn and Nik caught them in his bed and my parents house."

"I'm at a lose for words" Sage said sadly.

"Hey this is a party no more sad talk" Bonnie said. "Now lets get all dressed up and hit the town" she added.

For the next three days the girls spent the days by the pool and nights partying and some club.

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