The Dinner

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Chapter 3

They both read over the marriage agreement and signed their name. Klaus looked at Caroline "Now that, that's taken care of why don't you go put on a sexy black dress and let me take you out to dinner to celebrate our engagement?"

"Do I have to change?" She pouted.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to however this outfit will be all over the local tabloids tomorrow being that you are sporting a beautiful new piece of jewelry. So If you'd like that to be in this outfit go for it love."

"I guess I'll change." It took her about fifteen minutes to get ready and while she was changing Klaus was looking around her apartment. Leaning against the hallway was a table with a few knickknack and many photos. The first one he noticed was of Caroline and another blonde woman who is older than Caroline but defiantly related, her mother he assumed. As he looked around he saw no photos of her father. As she was looking for a picture of her father he seen a photo of her and Rebekah they were at the beach on some vacation they must have taken. Caroline was absolutely glowing her smile was infectious and as he started at her beaming smile, he himself started to grin happily. As his eyes gazed down the photo he realized that she was wearing a very small bikini. As he gawked at her almost naked body he started to feel a tingle under his belt.  He heard Caroline bedroom door start to creak open, Klaus quickly put the picture down on the end table and looked at Caroline.

She was standing in the door frame in a simply dark blue dress; it was skin tight in all the right ways but not enough to be inappropriate.  The top of the dress wrapped from under her left arm over her right shoulder. Her hair was hanging loose with a slight curled. Her eye makeup was done in a beautiful natural lose it a just a hint of blue eye shadow only noticeable from certain angles.  "Wow" Klaus exclaimed looking at his soon to be bride. "Is this better?"

"Than your pajamas?" Klaus joked. "You look absolutely stunning Caroline, let's go I'm starving." She grabbed her keys and fallowed Klaus out the door to his car. He was driving his very fast Bugatti Veyron They made it to Bouley in about ten minutes when Caroline's home is thirty minutes away from the restaurant without the crazy New York traffic. Klaus got out of the car tossing the keys to the valet; he walked around to Caroline's side and opened the door for her. "What a gentleman you are" She commented. "Only for you my queen" he retorted. She gave him an annoyed smile as she took his hand and fallowed him in to the restaurant.

They had just been seated by the waitress who checked out Klaus before walking away from the table. Caroline scoffed and rolled her eyes at the women's actions. "She wants you" Caroline informed Klaus. "Jealous?" He joked. "Not jealous, a little angry to everyone else we are obviously a couple and she just so blatantly made eyes and my man."

"Your man?" He asked raising his eyebrows with that evil smirk. She did not reply with flair she flipped her left hand in front of his face showing off her engagement ring. He kissed her hand and held it in his own, which both lay on the table. "Oh that's right" he gleamed. As they were enjoying their meal he had to make Caroline aware of just how big of a ruse this was. "You know even while we are at home we still must act like we are in a loving relationship due that fact the paparazzi and my house employees are always around." She smiled at him shyly "Klaus I know what I've gotten myself into." He signed and smiled.

Their meal was finished; their chairs were now so close to each other that their shoulders touched. As they were finishing their wine the waitress from earlier kept walking slowly past their table.  Caroline's blood was starting to boil every time this girl walked past she'd fluttered her eyelashes at Klaus. He could tell that this unworthy girl's childish antic was getting to her so when this girl past again he gracefully turned Caroline's face to his and planted the most passionate kiss on her lips that she ever received. The waitress embarrassed at her attempts to grabs his attention walked faster away from the table and ended up walking into another waitress and knocking everything in her hand to the floor. As they heard the crashing plates falling to the floor Caroline giggles in to Klaus kiss. After pulling away from the kiss he looked to her "Now she is aware I'm taken" he assured Caroline with a sly smile. "You ready?"

"For what?" She questioned him. "By now one of these patrons or workers have alerted the press that I'm here dinning with a very attractive young lady, who I've been see kissing they are most likely waiting for us outside." She took a deep breath "this just became very real" she realized taking his hand so he may lead her out to the car.

The moment they stepped out the door they were crowded by people with flashing cameras. Klaus kept his cool with one hand resting on the small of Caroline's back he handed his ticket to the valet. As they waited for the car to be pulled around the paparazzi yelled questions at they while continuing to take pictures.

"Klaus who is the new lady?" One of them yelled as Klaus closed Caroline's door. As he walked over to this door he looked back in to the direction which the question came. "She's not new" he informed them getting into this car and speeding away.

Married to Money   (A Klaroline FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now