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Chapter 54

Caroline woke up to light kisses on her shoulder. "Love" Klaus called trying to wake her.

"No, not ready" she cut him off not wanting to get out of the bed yet. "Don't you have a lot to do today?"

"Absolutely not. I have been doing wedding stuff for the last week or so non stop and this rehearsal dinner is all on Bekah even if I wanted to help she wouldn't let me."

"So what do you want to do then?"

"Go back to sleep, your mother has been waking me up at six in the morning."

"that evil woman. You go back to bed I'll wake you up in a few hours to start getting ready for the party."

"Thanks babe" Caroline said lifting up her head to kiss him before she went back to sleep.

About an hour later Caroline woke up when she heard a knock on the door. She laid in bed waiting to hear who was here before she decided if she wanted to join them or go back to bed.

Klaus opened the door and was shocked and uncomfortable when he seen Aurora pushing through his door into the apartment.

"please come in" he said sarcastically.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing since I wont be seeing you this evening" she said looking around.

"Yeah well you arn't in the wedding so you have no need to be there."

"Is the wedding happening? I know she has been spending most nights at the family home since your little Vegas adventure. I knew that she couldn't handle our life style."

"Yes, Caroline has been staying at my parents house working on the final touches for the wedding."

"Sure, you must be so lonely in this bare sad tiny apartment" Aurora said walking close to him making seductive eyes. "I could keep you company" she continued.

Caroline had been listening into this conversation in her room once she heard Aurora hitting on Klaus she flew out of her bed forgetting that all she was wearing only Klaus's shirt and her underwear.

"Thats so nice of you but he isn't alone, he does not want his brothers sloppy seconds. If I were you I'd be worry about your husband because tonight he will be spending the evening with the love of his life in a romantic setting without your nagging ass and maybe I'll inform him how you spent your morning pathetically throwing yourself at his brother."

Aurora had nothing to say and left the apartment in a hurry with Caroline slamming the door behind her. A tense silence fell over the apartment as Klaus waited for her reaction. "If she ever shows up at our home without her husband or if I ever hear her come on to you again I will ruin her life I swear." Klaus was unaware how to respond so he decided to pull her into a tight hug. "I did not invite her and I do not want anything to do with her."

"I know Baby, but she thinks that she is going to disrespect me and in my house no less she has another thing coming."

"Wow Babe this protective territorial side of you is super sexy."


"Yes Ma'ma it doesn't help that your running around here in just my shirt" Klaus flirted grabbing a handful of Caroline's ass.

"If you like this you should see what I got for the honeymoon."

"Care to put on a little fashions show for me?"

Caroline gave Klaus a slow passionate kiss "I think I'll let your imagination run wild for now."

"Women you are killing me" he pulled her in to a kiss. The kissing turned steam as Klaus hoisted Caroline up on the island counter and stood between her leg. Breaking away from the kiss to breath and tell Klaus "I've missed you so much."

"Me too Babe."

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