Rehearsal part 1

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As their make out session starts to steam up the apartment door swings open.

"Nik, Caroline is not at the mansion and she never came to my apartment nor is she at Matt's I'm officially worried." Rebekah yells all in one breath then her jaw drops as she sees Caroline  and her brother practically have sex on the kitchen counter.

"Oh my gosh! You guys made up!" She screams with a large smile on her face.

"Yes sister we were actually just enjoying our making up before you stormed in, do be a dear and leave" Klaus told his sister sternly.

"Fine but only because I happy the two of you have stopped acting so damn stupid and know you need some alone time. I'll see you two lover birds tonight at the family home."

After Rebekah closed the door Caroline hid her face in Klaus's shoulder trying to hide her embarrassment. "Caroline love don't be shy now."

"Shut up Nik" she said slapping his shoulder. "Your sister just walked in on us when we were about to."

" About to what Caroline?" He asked teasingly know she get shy talking about sex and then other times he thinks her mouth is dirtier then his.

"never mind" she says pushing him away from her and jumps down off the counter. "Lets get the luggage in the back of the car now and then I need to start getting ready, I slept later then I should have."

"But I really wanted to finish what we were doing."

"No time" Caroline declared as she tried to carry her over-sized heavy suitcase to the door. Klaus watched her struggle for a few minutes before getting off the counter and taking the suitcase from her. "Give me this thing before you hurt yourself."

"Thanks babe" Caroline says kissing him on the check and then pranced into her room to get ready.

A few hours later Klaus is dressed in a black suite with a simple white shirt.

A few hours later Klaus is dressed in a black suite with a simple white shirt

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 "Caroline sweetheart we need to get going or Rebekah will have our heads."

"Ok, I'm almost ready." About five minute later Caroline walked out of her room in a white form fitting lace dress that stopped at her knees.

" About five minute later Caroline walked out of her room in a white form fitting lace dress that stopped at her knees

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 Klaus stood staring at the vision that would be his wife in a little over twenty four hours from now. "Do I look ok?"

Caroline's questions pulled him out of his aggressive stair. "Your are absolutely breathtaking love. You are the perfect blending of classy and sexy." She looks down to her feet and blushes "Thanks Babe you look pretty damn handsome if I may say so."

"You may" He joked taking her hand and walking out the front door.

"For once your mother will be disapproving of your outfit and not mine."

"Why is that love?"

"No tie, you might as well have been born in a barn Niklaus" She says mocking a British accent.

"Love your accent needs work and how do you know she will approve of your tight dress?"

"She was with Bekah and I when I bought it." With that she shut him up as they got into his car and headed toward the Mikaelson family home.

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