Engagement Party part 1

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Chapter 8

As they entered the Mikaelson home Rebekah rushed over to Caroline "He's here" she informed her. "Who's here sister?" Klaus questioned hearing her failed attempted at a whispered warning. "Well it seems that our sad excuse for a sister in law is dating a lad whom is a bit obsessed with Caroline and has been since high school."

"You don't mean?" Caroline question Bekah but no longer needing too now seeing Tyler and this apparent girlfriend walking straight for them. "Elena" Caroline questioned. "Yes she is unfortunately Kathrine's twin sister and so now we are stuck with her" Klaus complained jumping back into the conversation. "Be careful she will steal your man" Bekah warned. "Are you still not over that?" Caroline questioned her heartbreak over Matt. "One of these nights the two are you are going to tell me what high was like for the two of you"

"You wish lover, those stories are going to the grave with us, right Beks."

"Yeah sorry brother but Care doesn't want me to tell you the stories of drunk party Caroline." "Now I have to hear these stories" He grinned.

"Never" Caroline warned with a stern look fallowed directly with a giggle.  "Caroline was a bit wild in high school, you might not want to all those stories" Came from a voice from behind them. As they turned around "Matt" Caroline exclaimed rushing into his arms for a big hug as Klaus tenses up at the thought of another man's hand on his women. "Nik this is my cousin Matt, Matt this is my fiancé Niklaus" Klaus shock Matt's hand now feeling easy that this was not some boy from her past.

"So you'd be the one to speak with to get so Intel on my beautiful Caroline's past" he questions with an evil smirk. "Only if she gives me permission she is one person I do not want to anger." As Klaus laugh at Matt's comment he looked to his left when his father nodded for him to come see him. Klaus looked at Caroline and back at his father questioning if he should bring her as well. With one light nod he told him to bring Caroline with him. "Excuse us we need to mingle and meet the rest of our guest" Klaus said removing himself and Caroline from the conversation with Rebekah and Matt.

Klaus and Caroline walked down a dark hallway "How is this mingling with our guess if we are leaving the party?"

"My parents want to meet with us" Klaus informed her with a worried tone. "Klaus it will be fine" she assured him with a smile. He opened the door and held his right hand and arm out for her to enter his Fathers office. They were almost through the door before Klaus mother Ester spoke. "Niklaus did you think it was fun for me to hear from my friends while I was in England that my son had become engaged. It really interesting because I didn't even know you were dating anyone. They asked me about the girl who finally got my wild Nik to settle down and I had no answers because I've never meet her."

"Ester darling you've met her many time she has been Rebekah's closest friend for the last twelve years, she also worked for Klaus for the last five years" Mikael Klaus's father defended "What is it with my boys and wanting to married the help?"

"Excuse me?" Caroline question not sure what she was referring too. Klaus looked at her with apologetic eyes "She is referring to the fact that Kathrine worked for the company when she and Elijah started dating."

"She was the maid."

"Please don't be so dramatic Mother she did and still does run the entire housekeeping departments for us."

"And now you are going to married a secretary" Ester returned with rolled eyes.

"DON'T YOU DARE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER" Klaus yelled. As Ester stared at her son in shock without speaking Caroline took the palm of Klaus's hand in her right hand and with her left hand she light rubbed with her thumb on the top of his hand. Ester watch as this action completely claimed her very angry son. Thinking maybe she judged this woman too quickly and she seems to really have a positive effect on Klaus Ester tried to save face. Now directing her attention to Caroline for the first time she spoke a lot softer than he did with Klaus and Mikael

"You must excuse me with the financial status we have I get weary with people true attentions toward my children. I understand that you have been a great friend to my Rebekah when she had lost her way. It seems like my son is very fond of you, and that you have quite the connection with him."

"I understand Klaus and I wanted to keep thing quiet while we were figure out our feeling for each other since he was my boss and my friendship with Bekah, but I assure I am in love with your son, not his bank account, in fact we have already signed our prenup." As she informed Ester of this Klaus was behind her rolling his eyes. "Do you have something to add son?" Mikael questioned. "No Father I just think it still to have a prenup, It's like planning for your marriage to fail" Klaus answer honestly. "Can't say I don't disagree with you their son but let me tell you a secret to marriage" he offered as Klaus walked Mikael and Ester out of the room.   

Klaus returned to Caroline with a smile. "So?" She questioned. "My mother apologized to you!" He said ecstatically lifting her in the air and spinning her around. "So we did it" She questioned kissing his lips before he could answer.  He took her hand and pulled her toward the door to reenter their party but she pulled back. Hugging him tightly "I'm sorry I was unaware you felt that way about prenups, but it is a good thing consid..." Pulling away to face him cutting her off before she can finish her sentence. "I know but you deserve the world." Caroline blush playful slapping him "sometime you say the most romantic thing. The girl who get to marry you is lucky."

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