The Gala part 1

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Chapter 15

Caroline and Klaus entered the Gala hand in hand with giant smiles on their faces. Caroline's was due to the hollering of the paparazzi saying how she must be one hell of a women to get Klaus to commit. Though she knows the truth he still picked her for this job and so yeah she must be one hell of woman. Klaus smile come from Caroline herself. He often found himself smile anytime she was in his present.

They made it to the bar before Clarissa St. John found her way to them.  "Nik it's been awhile since I've seen you out and around town" she flirted ignoring Caroline's present which anger her so much she was squeezing Klaus hand. "I've been busy with work. Also Caroline and I prefer to spend our evening at home" he informed her pulling Caroline a little closer to him. "Yes, I heard you were engaged but you never know when she's involved. She and Lorenzo were to be married years ago" Before Caroline could get the chance to defend herself Klaus replied with "I'm just lucky your brother messed up and let her go or I may never have met the love of my life."

"There must be something about her that has two of the most respected young men in New York falling for her" Clarissa commented looking Caroline up and down slowly. "it's not just something is everything about her. Now if you'll excuse us my sister just arrived." Klaus said leading Caroline toward her Rebekah at the donation tables but not before Caroline could whisper to Clarissa "it helps that I give a phenomenal blowjob" closing with a wink before Klaus pulls her in to his arms both laughing as they meet up with Bekah.

"What's so funny?" Kol and Bekah wondered. "Caroline just told Clarissa the reason that Enzo and I both fell in love with her is because she gives an amazing Blowjob" Klaus explained holding back tears of laughter. "I believe phenomenal was the word I used."

"Caroline that no way to get on her good side, her and the rest of those demons will try and push you out."

"That's ok Bekah I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to suck up a women's who not worth my time."

Shape of You started playing the girls shared a smile before connecting hand and giggling toward the dance floor. Kol and Klaus were standing at the bar sipping on their glasses of brandy when Enzo came to join them. "Have you managed to hide from my dreadful sister?"

"Not quite she cornered Caroline and I the moment we got here."

"I must apologize for her, you see when my mother informed her that your fiancée was in fact the same Caroline she just had to see it with her own two eyes."

"Enzo mate its fine we are always up for a charity event, plus it looks like my lady is enjoying herself" Klaus motioned to the dance floor where Bekah and Caroline where the center of attention.

"Well she is something isn't she?" 

"she absolutely is" Klaus answered gazing at Caroline. Her eyes contacted with his and she waived him over. Once they were inches the song tempo slowed down. He swept her in his arms and began to lead her around the floor so elegantly that she imagined them a scene from Beauty and the Beast.  Rebekah joining the men at the bar she noticed that Enzo is staring at Caroline. she took two steps closer to him so he could inform him more privately "I can see that look in your eyes, but I'm here to warn you stay away from Caroline. My brother wont warns you but I will. If you do anything to try and interfere with that relationship, I will end you."

"You seem worried Beks perhaps our little blonde is still carrying a torch for yours truly?" Enzo questioned her cockily. Rebekah eyes found their way to Caroline and Klaus slow dancing with gleaming smile illuminating then entire room "that is the face of a women who head over hills madly in love." He stared for a moment "We'll see" and walked over to speak with his sister.

"What his issue?"

"Well Kol he's getting a glimpse at the live he could have had with Caroline."

"He better stay away they don't need another meddling ex sniffing around."

"he's already been warned."

"Who's been warned?" Caroline questioned as she and Klaus joined the group. Before Rebekah and Kol could make up an excuse Stefan joined the group with Haste kissing Bekah and the check and apologizing for being late.

"When did this become a thing?" Klaus questioned wagging his finger between the two. "We've gone on a few dates and we've recently gotten more serious" Stefan defended. "Wow sister you finally have a beau that I approve of" Klaus accepted.

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