What is Happening Here

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Chapter 11

Kol and Rebekah walked through the suite surprised that Klaus and Caroline were still not awake at eleven in the afternoon. The walked into the bedroom and saw Klaus lying on top of the cover is just his sweat pants and Caroline cuddled up next to him in just her lace underwear. "Well someone celebrated their engagement" Kol joked loudly waking up Klaus. Looking over and seeing Kol staring at his almost naked fiancée Klaus quickly pulled the blanked over Caroline. "What are you two doing here?" Klaus questioned getting up from the bed accidentally waking Caroline in the process. "Nik where are you going?"

"We have some rude visitor's sweetheart." Confused Caroline sat up looked to her left and saw Rebekah and Kol. "Why are you in our bedroom?"

"Well we came to get you two up and go shopping for a Union of Women Gala tonight. This is the first time that the girl will meet Caroline so It's important you both make a good impression" Rebekah warned. "Why are these women important?"

"Because Nik they will make Caroline's life a living hell until she is so unhappy she leaves you, that's what they did to Marcel's wife."  "Can we talk about this after we shower and get dressed?" Caroline questioned. "Yeah hurry up though" Kol informed them pulling Rebekah out of the room. The door closed Caroline got up from the bed and headed toward the bathroom. "You know Nik in the last 24 hours a people I've never intended to have seen me in my underwear."

"Yeah, but now you have three guys that can die happy" Klaus joked. "I never said I didn't intend for you to see them" Caroline called from the bathroom throwing her underwear out at him. He rushes to the bathroom to find her already in the shower he let out a laugh and turned to leave. Caroline poked her head out of the shower "Are you getting in or what?"

"Well a gentleman could never turn down a lady's offer."

They shower quickly stopping a few time for a kiss here and there. Caroline was in her underwear and a tank top in the bathroom doing her hair and make-up. "Caroline Can I ask what is happening here?"

"I'm getting ready to go shopping with your sister and brother?"

"No, love I mean between us?" Finished with her hair and make-up now ready to get dressed Caroline walked out of the bathroom seeing Klaus sitting on the chair in the closet. She sat on his lap joining him on the chair. "Do you need to question this? We are stuck with each other for at least the next fourteen months, so we get along and enjoy each other. So why try to put a label on it, our situation is not normal so let have fun and continue enjoying each other. Unless you are asking because you want to stop making out?"

"No no I do not want that. It's been a long time since I had someone in my life that I cared about as a person and did these kinds of things with. I just don't want either of us to hurt when this ends. Once this is over you are going to be one if not the closest friend I'll have I don't want to risk losing that."

"Neither do I and we won't. You not tricking me into any of this I know what is going to happen, just because the song will end doesn't mean you don't listen to it right." Klaus smiles and kiss her passionately. "Good now let's get ready before your sister kills us."

Klaus and Caroline walked out of the bedroom hand in hand. Rebekah looked at their hand and then a raised her eyebrow at Caroline, who blushed. "Took you two long enough" Kol complained. "So where are we going?" Caroline question ignoring Kol. "The Union of Women Gala." "And what is that?"

"A group of stuck up rich women who have too much time on their hands and are still acting like they are in a high school popularity contest" Kol answered truthfully

"Maybe so but they also do a lot for charity and they can really make your life miserable if they want too. Caroline you really should try and make a good impression as their leader is Clarissa St.John" Rebekah informed her. "If that crazy women is attending I'd rather not" Klaus informed his sister. "If you do not attend this event with your Fiancée it will give her more reason to push Care's buttons, so put on your big boy pants brother because you are going."

"What has she done to you Nik?" Caroline questioned. "She is in love with him. Since we were kids, she would try to get him drunk and try and take advantage of him" Kol told her. "Great I get to spend my night sucking up to a bitch who hates me and is in love with my man."

"Your man huh?" Klaus questioned hugging her from behind her.

The girls where in the mall getting coffee while the boys dropped off their tux's to be dry cleaned. "So what's going on with you and my brother?"

"I don't know what you mean?" Caroline blushed taking a sip of her coffee. "Calling him your man, sleeping naked in bed together?"

"We were not naked. We are just enjoying each other, I like the feeling of having someone there for me. I know it's not a smart idea and in the end my heart is going to be broken but I don't know he make me smile and feel special."

"Oh you have the look in your eye."

"What look?"

"The one you use to have when you were with Enzo ya know before he turned out to be a lie."

"Let's not compare them, Nik wins by a landslide."

"So who do you have your eye on?"

"Not telling just yet, hopefully you'll see tonight. Back to the reason you were in your underwear."

"Well last night Tyler came by to try to intimidate Klaus I guess. I got so annoyed that I decided to make Tyler angry and jealous so while I was in the kitchen listening to his confession of love for me I took off my dress and talked in like I was unaware he was there and asked him to leave because I needed Klaus if you know what I mean."

"Yes yes I do, so nothing happened between you and my brother?"

"Well a really hot make-out session that was starting to maybe lead somewhere so I stopped it and explained to him I'm not ready for it to get to that point."

"Not ready alludes to there being a time that you would be ready" Rebekah pondered. "I might be, I'm going to be his wife for more than a year, girls got needs Beks." Rebekah laughed at her best friend while nodding her head in agreement. "Speaking of girls with needs guess who showed up last night after we kicked out Tyler" Caroline tempted. Rebekah raised her eyebrow inquisitively asking who without saying it. "A certain red head who has play hopscotch between the Mikaelson boys."

"what did that bitch want?"

"To see Nik, since I was still in my underwear I open the door more so she could see that and informed her that he was busy and slammed the door in her face."

"What did Nik say?"

"Nothing he just took my hand and we went to bed." Before Rebekah could make a perverted comment Klaus and Kol joined them at the table.

Chapter 12 will start with the conversation between Klaus and Kol while away from the girls then the story will continue from there. Thanks for reading!


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