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Chapter 64

All morning Caroline had been asking Klaus where they were going, but since she still couldn't guess correctly he wouldn't tell her. As they walk into the airport Caroline looks at the departure board. "Its very smart of you love trying to figure out where we are going by seeing which flights are taking off soon, unfortunately we are taking a private flight so that will not help you." Caroline lets out a little whine that Klaus finds adorable as he pulls her into his side for a cuddle. "So how long is the flight?"

"About eighteen" Klaus answers with a smile. "HOURS?" Caroline yelled startling many of the passersby in the airport. The couple made their way out the the runway to the private plane, once she sees the plane she let out a huge laughs . "You seriously put your name on the side of an entire jet?"

"Our name my wife" he replies with a sweet kiss to her cheek. "Not just yet, that paperwork won't be completed until we get home" she grins at him. They had settled into their seats and the plane took off, The newlyweds sat in silence for thirty minutes or so before Caroline asked "What continent?"

"Southeast Asia" Klaus answered lazily. She responded with a "hmm" not having an idea where they could be going. Another silences falls over them that last about an hour or so before Caroline start up a new conversation. "What are you going to do about the Finn situation?"

"Honestly my dear I'm not quite sure, He told Sage that he married Aurora to protect me but how does sneaking around with your brother fiancée do anything but hurt him?"

"When we get back to New York try and have a heart to heart with him, the rest of the Mikaelson siblings get along, wouldn't it be great if Finn was apart of that?"

"Finn being with Aurora is not the only issue my siblings and I have with our brother. He was the oldest and Esther's favorite and if she would have listened to anyone it would have been him. Esther forced everyone of her children into doing things she wanted and did not let us have any say in the matter, she picked our majors in College, she planed ever single thing we did until we were old enough to move away from her. Instead of being himself or even having our back he hide who he truly was and told her anytime one of us did anything we remotely enjoyed. I remember Kol had successfully joined his schools baseball team and pitched them all the way the way to the championship, Dad, Elijah and I were sneaking out to the game and Finn over heard us and told Esther. She called the school insisted that he couldn't play and he had to sit on the bench while he watched his team lose." Caroline sighed but understood that Klaus's bad blood with Finn ran deeper then she knew.

The couple only slept three hours before they got on the plane, and since Caroline could tell that Klaus was finished talking about his brother, They both reclined their seats and slept. The in flight aid woke Klaus to inform him that they had landed. Klaus carefully lifted Caroline from her seat in hope to keep her asleep until they arrived at their location.

Klaus lightly rubbed Caroline's back "Love wake up we are here."

Caroline stared at the beautiful Villa in front of her "WOW" she gasped

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Caroline stared at the beautiful Villa in front of her "WOW" she gasped. 


Hey All, I know it has been so long since I have posted. At first I had some major writers block and couldn't decided if I wanted there Honeymoon chapter to be mature or not, so I wrote two different versions of the chapter so if you would comment and let me know if you would wanna read the mature chapter or the PG chapter I'd apricate it. 

I don't know when I will post next hopefully sometime the week after next. Last month in the same week my son was diagnosed with Autism and my husband broke his knee in two places so everything has been very crazy for me. Thank you for being patient with me while I am super slow at updating my stories. 

                                                                                                     - J. Chamberlain 

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