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Chapter 52

Caroline decided to finally return home to talk things out with Klaus, they were set to be married in two days and she did promise Rebekah that she would not be stand offish toward Klaus at the rehearsal dinner. She could not deny that everyday she thought of him, missed him, wonder what he was doing. She was so over crying herself to sleep while reading him text messages pouring his heart out to her, begging for her forgiveness.

When Caroline entered the apartment it seemed like Klaus was not home. She went to put her overnight bag in her room, when she opened the door she seen Klaus napping on her bed hugging her pillow. He was shirtless laying on his front side leaving his bare back exposed. Caroline lightly sat down on the bed and started rubbing his back. Klaus rolled over quickly shocked to see Caroline had returned home. He looked into her eye and blurred out loudly "I LOVE YOU!"

"You what!?"

"Shit. This is not how I wanted this too go. I have been preparing his huge speech to tell you that I am in love with you. This started with a deal that was so unfair of me to ask of you but I will never regret it because that deal is why I found the love of my life.This is so real for me I love you Caroline Forbes" Klaus blurted out in one breath.

Caroline was in tears, her heart was beating out of her chest. "Nik I love you too!"

Klaus slid his hand up her neck and slowly pulled her toward him and kissed her with so passionately he swore he was going to black out.

"Can I show you something?" Klaus asked while caressing Caroline's cheek.

"Sure" she agreed nervously.

"Great let me get a shirt on and we will leave."

"Wait its not here?"

"No Baby is somewhere else but trust me it worth it."

Caroline hug Klaus hiding her face in his chest and giggled. Klaus tried to pull her away from him so he could see her face but was not successful.

"Why are you hiding from me?"

"I... I don't know, I feel like such a high schooler getting so excited that you called me baby" Caroline admitted.

"There is no need to feel embarrassed with me baby" Klaus said intentionally calling her baby to make her blush again.

"Stop it" she told him still giggling and swatting his arm as they walked out the door. As they were on there way to the destination that Klaus refused to disclose to Caroline they enjoyed a quiet silence.

"Nik I never though that you kissed that women, I know you would never do that to me."

"Then why ignore me?"

"Since I didn't have any messages from you and I found out you were in Vegas from all the post about the kiss I got in my head and started thinking that I care way more for you then you did me. But after some tough love from Matt and him letting me know that you told Kol to message me and he was the reason you left New York, also Matt yelling at me that I was taking my issue from my old relationship with Enzo out on you and you are not him I realized that I was being so stupid. I'm so sorry."

"Its ok love, next time you are doubting anything about us please just talk you me."

"I will I promise" she promised and kissed him on the cheek. A few minutes later they pulled up to the house.

"Wow. You finished it?"

"Yeah, with you running away and ignoring me I had a lot of free time on my hands.Are you ready to see your new home?"

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